Articles written by dimitra lavrakas

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  • Winter nights bring dancing lights

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Sep 1, 2022

    Fall in Alaska comes with many perks - sightings of migratory birds and Alaskans heading to warmer climes, but best is the darkness that brings the awesome Aurora Borealis. Now Explore Fairbanks has a website that shows you the potential for aurora viewing and how many hours of daylight there is at any given time. While it may be sad to watch the light fade, after Dec. 21 there is the joy of seeing the minutes of light adding up. Go to Fairbanks is the...

  • Clinical trials and tribulations

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2022

    I’ve been writing about the chance to participate in medical research by applying for clinical trials that could not only help oneself, but countless others. Being in the Chicago area, there are plenty of medical trials to choose from, so I decided on the osteoarthritis knee study at Northwestern University. For years, I’ve growled that we can put a man the moon but can’t make cartilage regrow or even replace it with another material. This study would involve a regular injection of a drug to do just that (or you get a placebo). I took the overh...

  • Big bears, big trees beckon you

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Aug 1, 2022

    To get a taste of how lush Haida Gwaii in British Columbia is, once called Queen Charlotte Islands, think back on that Alaska Marine Highway ferry ride to Bellingham or Prince Rupert. Sailing past the village of Bella Bella through a tight narrows on the Inside Passage, it's as if you could spread your arms and touch both shores. The almost primordial growth of cedars and firs, ferns and devil's club crowd right to the waterline, making access into the forest very difficult, but a beautiful...

  • Alaska welcomes you to summer

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Jul 1, 2022

    While travel by car seems prohibitive with gas prices at an all-time high of $5.51 in June, a drive to a festival may be the cure for he several years of isolation due to the pandemic. Get out and meet your fellow Alaskans or travel to a town you once lived in and see old friends. Kachemak Bay Highland Games, July 2-3, Homer. Men in skirts! Highland games of skill like tossing the caber – a big hunk of wood as far as you can. Clan regalia will be on sale. On Saturday night at 6:30 p.m., there's...

  • You can help with reproductive cancer research

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Jun 1, 2022

    Since writing about clinical trials several editions back, I’ve earned about $40 in gift cards. Now I search for more. Participating in clinical studies can put a jingle in your pocket while contributing to medical science. Even my 5-year-old granddaughter realized this contribution -- when I gave her a microscope for her birthday, she said, “Now I can cure people!” The webpage that details current clinical trial research in your area is I have to say, using this website was a little more...

  • Assistance program aims to make internet more affordable

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Jun 1, 2022

    Low-income Alaskans now qualify for discounted or free internet access, thanks to an expanded federal program announced by the White House May 16. The White House estimates the program will cover 48 million households, or 40 percent of the country. The Affordable Connectivity Program grants up to $30 a month to pay for high-speed internet for households who qualify under certain programs and income levels. Do you qualify for this program? There are two main ways to qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Program: Your household income, which...

  • Alaska Natives to see new broadband effort

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Jun 1, 2022

    The $41.5 million provided by the federal Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program will make fast internet more affordable so rural residents can access telehealth appointments, and provide access for economic growth and remote learning. As is usual with federal spending, Alaska is getting more than other states. The Alaska Federation of Natives will receive $35.1 million to subsidize internet service, provide computer packages, help tribal communities access telehealth and offer digital skills training, according to a press release from the U.S....

  • Museums statewide offer deals for seniors

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Jun 1, 2022

    Alaska has museums from Dutch Harbor, to Sitka, to tiny Anaktuvuk Pass in the middle of the Brooks Range. But the most striking-looking building in all of Juneau, and surely anywhere else in the state, has to be the Sealaska Heritage Institute on Front Street. The huge 40-foot exterior panels outside the building were designed by internationally celebrated Haida artist Robert Davidson, and its design represents a supernatural being called the "Greatest Echo," a theme chosen by Davidson because...

  • New annex brings seniors back together in Fairbanks

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Correspondent|May 1, 2022

    Knowing all too well the effects of social isolation on the health of seniors, both mental and physical, the Fairbanks Senior Center has temporarily pivoted to a new rented space at Shoppers Forum Mall next to Planet Fitness. The ribbon cutting was on April 13, when visitors got to see the new location. "It's the first of many good days for our seniors to meet, have lunch, use the internet and who knows - probably some exercise classes in the future," Fairbanks Senior Center Executive Director D...

  • Airline mask mandate: It's all up to you now

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|May 1, 2022

    On April 13, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that the Transportation Security Administration had issued an extension of the mask mandate until May 3 after the CDC’s “close monitoring of the COVID-19 landscape in the United States and internationally.” But federal officials stopped that enforcement on travel on April 18 after U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle of the Middle District of Florida ruled the mandate exceeded the statutory authority of the CDC. With that, some airlines announced that masks are now opt...

  • COVID restrictions lift and travelers are raring to go

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Apr 1, 2022

    The planes and ships want you back - desperately. But only you can decide if you feel safe enough to go. I ping-ponged back and forth from Alaska to the east coast three times between late summer and winter last year. I wore my mask, disinfected my hands with a spray I carried, wash my hands, and tried not to touch things like doorknobs and railings. I am still alive. Airlines and cruise ships are flinging discounts about madly and maybe if you feel you can go out safely, it might be time to...

  • Canada drops COVID tests

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Apr 1, 2022

    On April Fool’s Day, no kidding, Canada will drop the requirement that travelers entering Canada either through airports or land borders prove they have a pre-arrival COVID-19 test result. But only for those fully vaccinated. This is a big sigh of relief for Alaskans whose towns and villages are so close to the international border that residents can only access a road out through Canada or for whom a Canadian city is the closest place to shop, go to for medical services. But wait, there might be a catch. Travelers arriving to Canada from a...

  • Federal deadline for a REAL ID is next year

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Apr 1, 2022

    Passed by Congress in 2005, the REAL ID Act enacted the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that the federal government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses.” The Act established requirements for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards and prohibits federal agencies from accepting licenses and ID cards from states that do not meet the requirements. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline to obtain a Real ID has been extended to May 3, 2023. At that time, your non-compl...

  • Clinical trials in Alaska focus on colon cancer

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Mar 1, 2022

    Editor's note: This story has been updated, with corrections. March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and there are ways you can help find a cure. We are at the age when we know of someone who is suffering or has died from colon cancer, and wished there was a better means of detection. Now Alaska seniors can take part in research. What are clinical trials? Let's look at what clinical research is and how you can participate. For the questions you should ask before signing up please...

  • Winter travel preparation could save your life

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Feb 1, 2022

    In early January, hundreds of travelers taking Interstate 95 through Fredericksburg, Virginia, ran into a winter storm and spent overnight in below-freezing temperatures. And in mid-November 2021, four people died when a landslide covered Highway 99 in southern British Columbia when torrential rainfall and catastrophic flooding hit the region that included parts of northwestern Washington state. Global warming is wreaking havoc on our weather and increasing storm strength. As someone who's...

  • Travel is possible, but sometimes questionable

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Jan 1, 2022

    The recent COVID-19 variant Omicron is affecting travel as the pandemic shows no sign of waning. And for Alaskans, with winter coming on, the need for sun and fun as well as cultural stimulation poses the classic question: "Should I stay or should I go?" Hawaii, our kissing cousin on almost any map of the United States, is our main source of Vitamin D and fresh fruit in the dark time. We can still go there but there are rules. As you know, Hawaii defends its environment from invasive species and...

  • Web, animal cams offer Alaskan escape

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Dec 1, 2021

    Chances are if you've lived in Alaska, you've resided in or traveled to different parts of the state. If not, well shame on you. But if you have and your life is not as mobile as it once was, there's a way to visit your old haunts and home towns. Think of these webcams and animal cams as magic carpets. Utqiagvik Ice Cam brings the Arctic to you My favorite weather cam is the University of Alaska Fairbanks Sea Ice Group Utqiagvik Ice Cam at

  • Alaska's challenging travel is like 'Hotel California'

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Nov 1, 2021

    The big storm that blew through Southeast Alaska on Oct. 1 sure played havoc with my travel plans. On a Friday night the winds blew at storm force and it rained pell-mell all night long. Although I checked the night before for notices on the Alaska Marine Highway System website for a cancellation, there was none. But on Saturday morning, a friend who was out of town emailed the inevitable - canceled. How to get out and make my flight from Juneau to Boston on Tuesday? A short break in the weather...

  • Supportive staff, programs at Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2021

    When my mother lost her sight at the age of 85, it seemed sudden but in fact it was a gradual loss with providers ignoring her complaints of floaters, flashes and jaw pain. A rare autoimmune disease, temporal arteritis, had her seeing only shadows and disrupted her circadian rhythm, the physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle, so she never had a full night's sleep again. Having retired to Texas, the town she was in offered little in the way of services related to her...

  • Travel gets more complicated, more technical

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Oct 1, 2021

    I have prided myself over the years on learning new technology, starting in 1992 when I first encountered a Dell computer at work and figured it out. Then through the years, from Boston to Alaska, I entered newsrooms with unknown computer programs I had to learn by myself, as there was no training. At the newspaper in Wasilla, I arrived in the newsroom to find no one knew I was coming, I had no desk assigned and the computer I was given did not have the application I needed to do my job,...

  • Senior housing springs up around Alaska

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Sep 1, 2021

    This story has been updated to correct errors in the earlier version. Since its inception 47 years ago, Cook Inlet Housing Authority (CIHA) has seen the state's elderly population skyrocket. According to CIHA statistics, in 1990, Alaska's overall population stood at 550,000 and the state's median age was 29. Approximately 6 percent of the state's population was over age 60 at the time. Of those, about 1,200 Alaskans were over the age of 85. Some 47 years later, the state population now stands...

  • Temporary halt on evictions extended to Oct. 3

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Sep 1, 2021

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new order temporarily halting evictions in areas with heightened levels of community transmission of COVID-19. The order makes it illegal to evict any individual who qualifies, and allows tenants to stay in their housing through Oct. 3, 2021. Meanwhile, state of Alaska officials are still determining the specifics of this new order. The most current guidelines are numbered below. Go to for updated information. Eligibility...

  • Ups and downs of flying during the pandemic surge

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Sep 1, 2021

    I am sitting in the Juneau "International" Airport waiting for the milk run from Juneau to Sitka to Ketchikan to Seattle, when an Alaska Airlines agent announces that, due to fog, our flight's captain has missed his initial approach and doesn't know if he has enough fuel to try another. I have never heard of this - have you? And when it is broadcast the plane will not land and rebooking will be necessary, we travel-savvy Alaskans make like a thundering herd of caribou for downstairs and the...

  • Canada opens to American travelers

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Sep 1, 2021

    To the joy of Alaska border towns, Canada has reopened its customs checkpoints after 16 months due to the spread of COVID-19. As of Aug. 9, fully vaccinated foreign nationals are allowed into Canada for discretionary travel. But there are certain requirements you must meet: Travelers must be fully vaccinated, submit travel information electronically on Canada’s official government application ArriveCAN within 72 hours prior to arrival in Canada, and provide proof of a negative COVID-19 molecular test, taken within 72 hours. Those molecular t...

  • Traveling on British trains is just better

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Aug 1, 2021

    The English have always been keen to train travel, particularly during the days when they had private compartments and different classes. The Brits do love their classes. Today, while the trains are more modern and may remind you of a New York subway, they do have amenities like a club car and sleeping quarters. Take a pass The BritRail train ticket is worth buying as it is exclusive for tourists, providing unlimited journeys and discounts, and gives you the freedom to go at your own pace. You...

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