Articles written by Marsha Aizumi

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  • New York trip inspires renewed hope and resolve

    Marsha Aizumi, Diverse Elders Coalition|Nov 1, 2017

    This is an article in an ongoing series by the Diverse Elders Coalition, focusing on different ethnic and demographic senior groups. Last month, I was in New York City to celebrate reaching another decade with four of my friends. Three of these friends I have known since high school, and we were roommates at one time or another in college. My son, Aiden, calls them his "aunties," because they have loved him through his transition and love him the same today. We decided on New York, because it...

  • Embrace the positive by 'living above the line'

    Marsha Aizumi, Diverse Elders Coalition|Jan 1, 2017

    I was recently asked, “How do you deal with all the hatred that is in the world?” The woman who asked me this question has a transgender son, and so I knew she was looking for support from me because I, too, have a transgender son, and there are so many states trying to implement laws against our children. I gave her a concise answer about looking for the blessings around me and focusing on what is positive in my life rather than focusing on the negativity that often consumes the news, but her question caused me to reflect even further. I am...