Articles written by suzy cohen

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  • Understanding how aspirin stops nerve pain

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|May 1, 2016

    We take for granted the comfort we feel in our hands and feet, but some people have lost that comfort, and they suffer all day long with strange nerve-related concerns. There is new research about aspirin which could help you, but first let’s talk about nerve pain, termed “neuropathy.” It feels like you are touching or stepping on pins and needles! It can affect you all over, not just your hands and feet. Depending on various factors (race, age, weight, alcohol consumption, insulin and A1c), your experience of neuropathy may also include pain,...

  • This is why I threw out my multivitamin

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|Jan 1, 2016

    I used to think multivitamins filled a nutritional gap, but today I think differently. There’s no way that 1.7 mg of any B vitamin will boost energy, or 20 mg of magnesium could improve mood. I’m beginning to realize that multivitamins are an absolute joke. It’d be funny except the joke’s on us, and you spend good money on them. Here’s my rationale: Negligible amounts There are so many nutrients in a multivitamin that the amounts of each become negligible. For example, 1 mg of pyridoxine (B6) doesn’t impact you, metabolically speaking. I...

  • Rediscovering medicinal herbs from the Bible

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|Dec 1, 2015

    Many of you are convinced that prescription medicine is the best way to heal. As a pharmacist, I would agree with that at times, but not every time. Don't forget that before man pulled the plant from the ground, took it to a lab and attached a synthetic chemical by force to the plant (just to get it patented), we all used Mother Earth. Last week, I did a health segment with television evangelist Pat Robertson on "The 700 Club," and I showed viewers how ancient herbs were used to improve health....

  • This popular pain reliever has deadly side effects

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|Oct 1, 2015

    Tylenol is popular. It is known generically as “acetaminophen” or “paracetamol,” and is one of the leading pain relievers in the entire world. It’s probably in every medicine cabinet (including mine), right next to my ibuprofen. Most people know ibuprofen can hurt the gut, whereas acetaminophen can hurt the liver. Today I want to focus on protecting you if you like to take acetaminophen. Many years ago, probably in 2001, I warned you all to take a certain supplement called “NAC”, in order to protect your liver and restore glutathione l...

  • Iodine is essential for your body, not something to fear

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|Sep 1, 2015

    Iodine is not just for your thyroid and there’s mass confusion on this topic. Iodine is used all over your body, in all of your organs, especially your breasts and prostate (if you have those). The truth is trillions of cells have a receptor site for iodine and need it, and sadly, many of you are starving yourself of iodine because you assume it is radioactive. Natural iodine is not radioactive, that is silly. It is as natural (and needed) as other minerals like magnesium, lithium, potassium, selenium, etc. Natural iodine is not the same as r...

  • Skin deep: Some solutions for what ails you

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|Aug 1, 2015

    Summer is the time when our skin is exposed. We need to keep it looking beautiful. Here are some common skin conditions, as well as solutions. Eczema Dry, cracked skin and blisters can become very painful. Eczema has been associated with sluggish detoxification, autoimmune conditions or reduced intestinal flora. A study just published in Clinical and Experimental Allergy found that the strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is particularly protective against eczema, so make sure your probiotic contains this strain. Some people have eczema flare-ups...

  • Gastric bypass surgery's nutritional fallout

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|Jul 1, 2015

    Shrink your stomach and you will lose weight. The idea is perpetuated in our country and complications such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and bladder concerns make it feel dire to undergo a drastic procedure such as gastric bypass. I’ve watched 12 episodes of “My 600 lb Life” on TLC channel, and I’ve empathized with every person, it’s a great show that I highly recommend you watch. Gastric bypass may end up being your solution, but you may not fully grasp the long-term nutritional consequences of gastric bypass surgery. While som...

  • Antacic "drug muggers" cause palpitations, leg cramps

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|Sep 1, 2013

    Dear Pharmacist: I take a reflux medication daily as well as a chewable antacid. In the last two months, I’ve dealt with severe “Charlie horses,” toe tingling and occasional heartbeat skips or runs. My doctor prescribed leg cramp medication and referred me to a cardiologist. I know you’re a columnist, but I intuitively feel you can help me. I’ve been fine for eight months. ‑‑G.W., Peoria, Illinois Answer: My 23 years as a pharmacist (plus six years of schooling) comes in handy sometimes! Let me first say, do everything your doctor sugges...

  • Don't get mugged by your diabetes medication

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|May 1, 2013

    Dear Pharmacist: I have your Diabetes Without Drugs book and it has helped me, but I’m still on two of the original five medications for this condition. What nutrients should I take with my medicine? -- B.B., Micanopy, Florida Answer: For my new readers, the term “drug mugger” is something that my followers understand from 14 years of my writing, and it’s also the title of one of my books. It refers to how medications (or foods) reduce levels of vitamins, minerals and beneficial flora (probiotics) and cause side effects. But if you don’t k...