Articles from the January 1, 2018 edition

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  • Three uncommon uses for your smartphone

    Bob DeLaurentis, Senior Wire|Jan 1, 2018

    Q. How can I use my phone to take a family photo and include everyone in the picture? A. Smartphone cameras have gotten so good that there has never been a better time to put one on a tripod. Phone cameras perform magic to keep images sharp in all sorts of conditions, but you can still make images with a tripod that would be impossible otherwise. Gathering the whole family together in one frame is the perfect place to begin. Attaching a smartphone to a tripod requires a special bracket. Before you grab the first bargain bracket you come...

  • Safe Harbor in Ireland

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Jan 1, 2018

    In a world seemingly full of dangers, it might be best to turn to countries where there have been civil wars and its people moved on to a more stable society. One place would be Ireland, the ancestral home to many Americans. Aside from peace there's also the convenience that English is spoken here, there are familiar foods and they brew most excellent beer. It was not always so. "The Troubles" (1969–1997) was a conflict between nationalists (mainly Roman Catholic) and unionists (mainly B...

  • Should you check or carry on baggage? Here are some pros and cons

    Erin Kirkland, For Senior Voice|Jan 1, 2018

    The question "to check or not to check?" is one of the most common among air travelers, with passionate justification on all sides of the argument. Some travelers swear by the philosophy of carrying luggage on board an aircraft, especially if they have experienced the inconvenience or expense of lost bags and crowded queues at airport baggage claims. Others, however, prefer the ease of free hands and fewer items to track as they make their way around airports. What is not up for debate is that...

  • Jan 1, 2018