Articles from the October 1, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 23 of 23

  • Heating assistance program opens Oct. 1

    Mackenzie Stewart, Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    The Heating Assistance Program (HAP) is designed to promote the general welfare and safeguard the health and well-being of Alaskans by​ offsetting the cost of home heating for eligible Alaskan residents. HAP assists households with income at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines, who have a minimum of $200 in out-of-pocket heating costs per year, and meet all other eligibility criteria. The benefit is a one-time payment to the household’s vendor, sent to the vendor, and applied to the customer’s account as a credi...

  • Senior Voice wins national media awards

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2018

    Older Persons Action Group, Inc., earned honors for its monthly, statewide publication Senior Voice in the 27th annual National Mature Media Awards Program. The program, presented by the Mature Market Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for the senior market, recognizes the nation’s finest marketing, communications, educational materials and programs designed and produced for older adults. Senior Voice received four awards for feature stories: Long-time Senior Voice contributor Dianne Barske won a merit award for her feature story, ...

  • First in series of free "Age Smart" forums will focus on voting

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2018

    AARP Alaska, Older Persons Action Group and the Anchorage Senior Activity Center will launch a series of monthly forums in October. “Age Smart – Let’s Talk,” will be held on the second Tuesday of each month, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center. The Age Smart – Let’s Talk series is a monthly forum that focuses on a topic of interest and importance to Alaskans who want to be thoughtful about how to make good choices as they grow older. The series is developed to provide working age adults with information necessary t...

  • A lifetime of Halloween birthday parties

    Maraley McMichael, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    As all people who have birthdays on holidays know, there are good points as well as drawbacks. Through out my life, my birthday has always had an air of anticipation, excitement, and no lack of parties and candy – October 31. I'm sure my mother had her hands full trying to squeeze in both a birthday party and trick-or-treating. When my children were little, it was a challenge getting them ready for trick-or-treating and answering phone calls from family. Five long distance greetings were not u...

  • Seniors facing unprecedented financial distress

    Lawrence D. Weiss, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    It could be worse. In fact, it was worse. In the 1800s, if you were both poor and elderly, the chances are that your family was too poor to care for you. Moreover, contemporary researchers note that, “The elderly poor were regarded as ‘a burden on the local taxes’ and were ‘despised and often treated as outcasts.’” In some places you could attend an auction selling the labor of old persons, who were then forced to work in agriculture. Gives me the heebie-jeebies. If you were poor and elderly you were likely to spend your final years in th...

  • The new view from down here

    Hank Trout, Diverse Elders Coalition|Oct 1, 2018

    Around the first of April of this year, I began using a wheelchair when I leave the apartment. This was an inevitability that I resisted, fought off for as long as I could. Admitting that I need a wheelchair struck me as “the last straw,” akin to simply giving up, accepting the fact that the virus is winning. Worse, I have become more of a burden to my fiancé Rick than a companion. However, between the debilitating pain in my back—from severe osteoporosis, three herniated discs, four compression fractures, and a mysterious inflammation that w...

  • Keeping older drivers "fit" for safe driving

    Beth Schuerman, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    Older drivers are often stereotyped as being unsafe on the roadway, however data regarding their safe driving practices reveal quite the contrary. For example, according to a recent survey from AAA, AARP and the American Occupational Therapy Association, nine in 10 older drivers fasten their seat belts when they get behind the wheel and more than a third have taken driver improvement courses. As we age, the body becomes more fragile and therefore injuries may be more severe in the event of a...

  • October happenings at Hospice of Anchorage

    Bethany Burgess, Hospice of Anchorage|Oct 1, 2018

    BAs many of you know, Hospice of Anchorage has been around since 1980 and is a nonprofit, 501(c) (3) organization and a partner agency to United Way of Anchorage. We are a community agency comprised of an interdisciplinary team – volunteers, nurses, social worker, volunteer coordinator and a clinical coordinator. We provide assistance with transition from life through death and to cope with loss and grief. This may be a one-time visit, periodic contact or may grow into an ongoing relationship lasting weeks, months or years. All services are pro...

  • Health fairs are popping up everywhere in October

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Oct 1, 2018

    The month of October is a really busy time for Alaska Health Fair, with events in many locations around the state. Our events offer free health screenings, health and safety education (for all ages), plus 11 affordable, comprehensive and private blood tests (starting at $20 and are only offered to those ages 18+). These tests can help you learn about your overall health and detect potential problems early, when treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective. Take note that our most popular test is the Chemistry/Hematology...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2018

    The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in October. This month’s training focus “Awakening the Five Senses of Persons Living with Dementia.” Oct. 2, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m. Oct. 9, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m. Oct. 16, Caregiver support meeting at Kenai Senior Center, 1 p.m. Oct. 23, open house and workshop at Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program office in Soldotna, Blazy Mall, Suite #209, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m....

  • These products ease dental care

    Jim Miller, Savvy Senior|Oct 1, 2018

    Dear Savvy Senior: I have arthritis in my hands that affects my grip strength and dexterity and makes brushing my teeth difficult. I’ve read that electric powered toothbrushes help make the job easier. Can you make any recommendations on what to get? -- Still Smiling Dear Still: For seniors who suffer from arthritis or have other hand weaknesses, an electric toothbrush is a great solution to keep your teeth clean. At the push of a button, an electric toothbrush will do everything but shake, rattle and roll to do the cleaning for you, and m...

  • Advances in treatments for cancer and flu

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Oct 1, 2018

    A new tool against the flu A single dose of a new influenza drug may significantly shorten the duration of the illness in adults, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers conducted two multicenter, double-blind, randomized clinical trials. Both trials found that the drug, baloxavir marboxil, shortened the duration of flu symptoms by about one day and more quickly cleared the influenza virus compared with placebo in otherwise healthy adults. A larger,...

  • Conference connects Elders and youth

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    One of the best things about Alaska is its ease with intergenerational relations. It's not unusual to see a 90-year-old walking along a beach with their 10-year-old friend, or generations still living under the same roof. And it is especially important here where Alaska Native languages and cultures can sometimes be undercut by modern life. First Alaskans Institute will address this at its annual Elders and Youth Conference, October 14 through 17 in Anchorage. This year's theme, Na Ganiyaatgm,...

  • Alaska Native Brotherhood/ Sisterhood Grand Camp

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    This year Alaska Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood will hold its 106th Grand Camp in Ketchikan at the Ted Ferry Convention Center from Wednesday, October 17 through Saturday, October 20, 2018. Registration and an Alaska Native Sisterhood session will be from 11a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 16. Registration continues throughout the convention. As Senior Voice went to press the convention schedule had not been finalized. For updated information go to The Alaska Native Brotherhood and the Alaska Native Sisterhood are...

  • Grueling glacier trail births Valdez

    Laurel Downing Bill, Senior Voice Correspondent|Oct 1, 2018

    After news of gold found in the Klondike spread during the summer of 1897, many people in the Lower 48 left their jobs and families to head north to search for their fortunes. And soon a hoax, perpetuated by promoters looking to profit off of the stampede, would eventually birth one of Alaska's most picturesque little towns. 1897-1898 headlines rang out with "Gold in Alaska. Valdez Trail – Best Trail!" But the reported pre-existing trail turned out to be a glacier that was twice as long and s...

  • Elvira's Halloween safety tips for pets

    Nick Thomas, Tinseltown Talks|Oct 1, 2018

    Disguised as little goblins, ghosts or ghouls, kids will soon be prowling the streets in their annual Halloween quest to extort candy from benevolent neighbors. But for some family members, the spooky festivities can turn downright dangerous. Whereas a candy overdose may induce the occasional bellyache in kids, sweet treats can lead to more serious problems for pets. The greatest danger comes from chocolate, which contains theobromine, a chemical especially toxic to dogs. Despite the name,...

  • Does it pay to install solar panels in Alaska?

    Art Nash, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    With the cost of solar panels having dropped from about seven dollars to a single dollar for an (uninstalled) watt, for many, solar has become a cost effective consideration —even in Alaska. The resulting cost savings of installing solar as your primary energy source varies widely on conditions and location throughout the state. And the telltale sign as to whether it is worth the investment, or will, in other words yield a quick ‘pay back’ time, is dependent largely on how much you now pay for a kilowatt of electricity, which you would be su...

  • Still true, forsooth, after 400 years

    Kenneth Kirk, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    Ask people their favorite Shakespeare play, and chances are they will name Romeo and Juliet, or perhaps Hamlet or Macbeth. A few of the cognoscenti might name something else, but they’re just showing off. If you are an estate planner, however, your favorite is likely King Lear. In case you haven’t read it lately (or ever) the play features a king of England who decides he wants to retire. He has three daughters, and he sets out to divide his kingdom among the three of them. He plans to keep the...

  • Password managers, digital libraries, Google location privacy

    Bob DeLaurentis, Senior Wire|Oct 1, 2018

    Q. I have too many passwords to remember. I write most of them down and put them in a card in my wallet. How do you keep track of your passwords? A. Keeping your passwords in a wallet or purse is not safe. If stolen, not only does the thief have your passwords, he or she has your identification and the detailed information needed to steal your identity. If you have to write something down, keep it somewhere obscure. People who work in software have had the “too many passwords” problem for decades. Today, everyone has a long list of passwords to...

  • Is Hawaii on fire or under water?

    Dimitra Lavrakas, Senior Voice Travel Correspondent|Oct 1, 2018

    Alaskans love to go to Hawaii. As our kissing cousin on just about any map we've seen since childhood, we are close – a mere six hours on a direct fight from Anchorage. In winter the Hawaiian islands are a godsend, warming us up physically with full sunshine, cool trade winds and lots of fresh fruits that lift our spirits. We return refreshed and tanned, and winter seems to flash by after the island respite. Friends envy our tans. Natural disasters plague Hawaii But this year Hawaii has been h...

  • Denali Highway: Fall for it

    Erin Kirkland, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2018

    Labor Day weekend was a glorious jumble of color, sunshine, and a yearn for open roads, so drive them we did, up and over one of Alaska's most underutilized roadways. The Denali Highway, once upon a time the only way to reach Denali National Park, is often forgotten in the "hurry up and get there" mindset of most Alaska visitors (and often we residents, too) who forget that in the Last Frontier, the journey is often the destination. A 134-mile drive between Paxson and Cantwell, the highway is...

  • Networking for Anchorage and Mat-Su area providers

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2018

    Interested in learning more about businesses and agencies providing senior services in the Anchorage and Mat-Su area? Want to get the word out about your own service? The monthly Service Providers Breakfast (formally known as the Interagency Breakfast), sponsored by Older Persons Action Group, is an opportunity for all the above. Informal, early and free, with breakfast provided. The October meeting is Oct. 10, hosted by Walter Wrightson, New York Life financial advisor. Begins at 8 a.m. RSVP by calling Older Persons Action Group, Inc. for...

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