Articles from the August 1, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Commission on aging to visit Nome in September

    Denise Daniello, Alaska Commission on Aging|Aug 1, 2018

    The Alaska Commission on Aging (ACoA) will conduct a Rural Outreach Meeting in Nome, September 12-15, 2018, for purposes of learning about elder-senior needs in Norton Sound. This meeting will include a visit to Shishmaref to meet with elders/seniors and agencies serving seniors as well as in Nome. In addition to ACoA’s board meeting and agency visits, the focus will be to gather input from seniors and their families, providers, and other public members about what is working well in Nome for older adults and what needs improvement with r...

  • Are you prepared for a natural disaster?

    Aug 1, 2018

    With the threat of volcano eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis, Hawaii residents can never be too prepared. That’s why it is so important to make sure residents and business owners are prepared for a natural disaster, both in Hawaii and everywhere else. While strangers will reach out to help others during a natural disaster, scammers make situations worse by trying to take advantage of victims. BBB reminds those affected by natural disasters to beware of out-of-town contractors soliciting businesses with ill intentions. While they may not a...

  • Open new doors by hosting an exchange student

    Ray Clements, PAX|Aug 1, 2018

    Here is a chance to bring the world to your doorstep: Serve as a host for an exchange student and help change the world. Since 1990, Program of Academic Exchange (PAX), a non-profit organization, has placed over 22,000 students from 70 countries in homes all across the U.S., including homes of retirees. You, too, can participate. Or share this opportunity with other family members or friends. PAX students enjoy learning about everyday life in this country, including Anchorage, Alaska. That is...

  • Volunteer opportunity for elders

    Aug 1, 2018

    Dear Editor, If you’re old enough to remember when JFK’s administration started the VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) program, you’ll be happy to know it continues today. Now called Americorps, it is the organization behind my favorite volunteer activity in Anchorage. The Senior Corp’s Elder Mentor Program operating in our Anchorage schools, and throughout the state, is helping children from pre-school through high school. This is the same program that is sometimes called “Foster Grandparents”, and this fall will be my fourth year...

  • Observing the Princess Sophia centennial

    Aug 1, 2018

    Dear Editor, Your article in the May 2018 issue on Ruby (Aunt Phil’s Trunk, page 18) mentions the Princess Sophia sinking in 1918 near Sitka. Actually, she sank on Vanderbilt Reef, about half way between Skagway and Juneau, not Sitka. This is the centennial commemorative year for the sinking. In Juneau, we are planning a variety of events to honor the disaster, beginning with a major exhibit at the Alaska State Museum on display now through October. The months leading up to the Oct. 25 date will include a variety of talks, a dedication of a p...

  • When Mom doesn't recognize me, I tie a knot and hold on

    D. KEVIN McNEIR, Diverse Elders Coalition|Aug 1, 2018

    Editor's note: This article is part of an ongoing series provided by the Diverse Elders Coalition, focusing on different senior populations. I would have never believed there would ever come a time when my Mom – whom I've always described, whenever asked, as my best friend, No. 1 fan, personal "shero" and one who's loved me unconditionally without hesitation or regret for my entire life – would look upon my face and require a few minutes before recognizing who I am. But as her 90th birthday app...

  • Medigap coverage can save you money

    Nila Morgan, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2018

    Although Medicare Part A and Part B cover a wide variety of services and products when you are in the hospital or being seen as an outpatient, there are still cost sharing “gaps”. These include deductibles, coinsurance costs, and copayments. These additional costs can wreak havoc with your finances. Medicare Supplemental Insurance Policies, also known as Medigap policies, are designed to follow behind Medicare Parts A and B to “fill in these gaps” that are left after Part A and Part B have pa...

  • How older people can find clinical trials

    Jim Miller, Savvy Senior|Aug 1, 2018

    Dear Savvy Senior: What can you tell me about clinical trials and how to go about finding one?—Old and Ill Dear Old: Each year, hundreds of thousands of Americans participate in clinical trials in hopes of gaining access to the latest, and possibly greatest, but not-yet-on-the-market treatments for all types of illnesses. But, you need to be aware that clinical trials can vary greatly in what they’re designed to do, so be careful to choose one that can actually benefit you. Here’s what you should know, along with some tips for locating one....

  • Free training and support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2018

    The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in August. This month’s focus is “Designing a Supportive Dementia Care Environment,” with showings from a training DVD by dementia expert Teepa Snow. Aug. 7, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m. Aug. 14, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m. Aug. 15, Caregiver support meeting at Anchor Point Senior Center, hosted by Paula Koch, 3 p.m. Aug. 21, Caregiver support meeting at Kenai Senior Center, 1 p.m....

  • Strategies for controlling your medical bills

    Cliff Groh, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2018

    As the former Chair of Alaska Common Ground, I held a series of events on Alaska’s health care costs, which are some of the highest in the nation. Alaskans need smart strategies that will allow them to hold down medical costs while still receiving the care they need. This list of tips and tricks was compiled after hours of conversations with doctors and other health care professionals who provide medical services in Alaska. Choosing Medical care Select a primary care provider, imaging facility or specialist from your insurance preferred p...

  • Aspirin, cannabis, and sensors you can swallow

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Aug 1, 2018

    Aspirin use may protect against Alzheimer’s disease An aspirin a day may help keep Alzheimer’s away. A regimen of low-dose aspirin potentially may reduce plaques in the brain, which will reduce Alzheimer’s disease risk and protect memory, according to researchers at Rush University Medical Center. They have just published a study in the Journal of Neuroscience suggesting that regular aspirin use may have significant brain benefits. “The results of our study identifies a possible new role fo...

  • Alaska State Fair, a family tradition

    Maraley McMichael, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2018

    My first experience at the Alaska State Fair in Palmer was back in the mid-1960s as part of a group of young 4-H girls from Glennallen. A couple mothers drove us in to Palmer to see our projects on display and pick them up the next day when the fair was over. I was too young to know how sleeping arrangements were made for the group, but I do remember we all spent the night at Janet Kincaid's home. Current owner of the Valley Hotel and Café and the Colony House Inn, Janet was in the hospitality...

  • Make more memories at your state fair

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2018

    Tanana Valley State Fair is from Aug. 3-11 in Fairbanks. Senior admission (age 60 and older) is $20 for a Senior Season Pass and $5 for a Senior Daily Pass. Free admission for seniors on Senior Day on Aug. 8. Events include a senior luncheon, pie eating contests, rodeo, performances by Little River Band, Austin Burke, Rose’s Pawn Shop, Dawn McClain, and Marty Brown, Star Wars Costume Contest and much more. For a full schedule of events visit Kenai Peninsula Fair takes place Aug. 17-19 in Ninilchik. Senior a...

  • Alaska International Senior Games begin Aug. 10 in Fairbanks

    Mackenzie Stewart, Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2018

    The 2018 Alaska International Senior Games (AISG), held August 10-19 in Fairbanks, will kick off with the Opening Ceremonies and Gala Games at Pioneer Park's Alaska Centennial Center for the Arts on August 10, 6 p.m. The annual torch lighting ceremony sets the tone for AISG's 65 events, including 20 different sports ranging from team sports like basketball and tennis to individual sports like swimming and archery. "All athletes over 90 will have a torch in the torch lighting ceremony," said...

  • RSVP service honored

    Aug 1, 2018

  • Floodwaters fill Fairbanks, August 1967

    Laurel Downing Bill, Senior Voice Correspondent|Aug 1, 2018

    Water in the Chena River inched up ever higher during July 1967 when 3.34 inches of rain, instead of the normal 1.84 inches, fell on Fairbanks. The city's 30,000 residents weren't too worried, though. Most were in the midst of the Alaska Purchase Centennial, celebrating the U.S. purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867. But when 6 inches of rain fell during a period of five days, the river did crest. And on the evening of August 14, it spilled over its banks at 18.6 feet. The massive amount of wat...

  • Beverly Washburn's favorite co-stars

    Nick Thomas, Tinseltown Talks|Aug 1, 2018

    Beginning her career as a talented child actress, Beverly Washburn worked alongside Hollywood's most popular actors and her list of favorites is long (see While she appeared in several "Wagon Train" episodes, her favorite was The Tobias Jones Story where Lou Costello plays a drunk accused of murder – a rare dramatic role for the comedian and one of his final acting appearances. "I was a big Abbott and Costello fan, so it was a thrill to work with Lou," said Washburn f...

  • Alaska is a Filial Responsibility state? Really?

    Kenneth Kirk, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2018

    You can’t believe everything you read online. You knew that already, right? For instance, I don’t know how many times I have seen a list online, showing all the community property states, and Alaska is included on the list. ALASKA IS NOT A COMMUNITY PROPERTY STATE! Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. But Alaska is not a community property state. We do have a statute which allows a married couple to opt into community property, by including certain provisions in a living trust or a specific agreement....

  • iPhone radio, wireless speakers, yard sale apps

    Bob DeLaurentis, Senior Wire|Aug 1, 2018

    Q. I’m thinking I can rid my life of big, bulky speakers and use my iPhone to replace a skipping CD player. What would you recommend for listening to the radio in my house? A. Chances are excellent that you can find the stations you prefer streaming online. That is where apps like TuneIn Radio Pro and iHeartRadio can help. But do not overlook Google. Often simply searching a station’s call sign in, Google will answer the “how to find this station online” part of the question. But do not stop there. Beyond the stations you know, there is an enti...

  • An All-American road, on water

    Erin Kirkland, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2018

    There's no question that Alaska is a place of uniqueness. From people to landscape and everything in between, there's no state like the 49th State, and that includes the mechanics of infrastructure. The Alaska Marine Highway System is a 3,500-mile route stretching from Bellingham, Washington, to Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Chain, with 28 other ports of call in between. Designated a National Scenic Byway in 2002 due to its rich culture and scenery, the Alaska Marine Highway System is a...

  • Social Security questions answered by the experts

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2018

    Staff from Alaska’s Social Security office will be available for questions via videoconferencing at the following locations and times in August: Kodiak Job Center, on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month (Aug. 14 and 28), 9 a.m. to noon. Kenai Senior Center, on the first and third Wednesday of each month (Aug. 1 and 15), 9 a.m. to noon. Ketchikan Job Center, every Thursday (Aug. 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30), noon to 3 p.m. Social Security provides toll-free telephone service to all of Alaska. Residents in Alaska’s Southeast communities can cal...

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