Articles from the August 1, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 29

  • Series: Working past retirement in Alaska

    Lawrence D. Weiss, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2023

    This is the first in a series of interviews with Alaskans who have continued to work years beyond the usual age of retirement. In this article, Anchorage resident Ken Helander discusses why he worked into his 70s and why he was finally forced to retire. We chatted in a local Anchorage restaurant July 11, 2023. When and why did you come to Alaska? I came in 1981 from Colorado. I was married, had two boys, and I worked for a community mental health center in Fort Collins. The programs began to be...

  • Playing "password" must be taken seriously

    Roseann Freitas, Better Business Bureau|Aug 1, 2023

    In the 1960s, many Americans tuned into the game show “Password,” where contestants were paired with celebrities to guess words from verbal clues. While that word, “password,” might have once brought to mind giddy TV contestants playing for cash, we’re much more likely to think about passwords nowadays in the context of online security. And why wouldn’t we? Passwords are required across the internet to pay bills, log in to social media, subscribe to streaming services and more. We’ve become quite familiar with the need to create usernames and...

  • Age-friendly work in Anchorage and Juneau moves to year two

    Age-Friendly Leadership Team|Aug 1, 2023

    Alaska’s work creating “Age-Friendly Communities” is thriving, making the places we live better able to support people of all ages. The age-friendly program process began with Anchorage’s enrollment in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities as the 678th community nationwide, with Juneau following shortly thereafter as the 734th member. As AARP Alaska enters the second year of membership in the Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, efforts are focused on community needs assessments in both Anchorage and Juneau....

  • Disparities in mental health for diverse groups

    Ocean Le, Diverse Elders Coalition|Aug 1, 2023

    July marked National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about mental health conditions currently prevailing among diverse groups, however we should take care of our mental health every month. The aim is not just to shed light on these issues' gravity, but also to break down the stigma walls surrounding mental health in these communities. In recognition of this, I want to share and discuss findings from a report released at the 2022 Alzheimer's...

  • For health and flavor, bring on the berries

    John C. Schieszer, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2023

    The Mediterranean diet is ranked as one of the most healthful diets on the planet. The name derives from the geographical region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, which includes Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Tunisia, where this diet has been adopted for centuries. It incorporates different types of food that are mostly unprocessed plant food typically found in this area fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes, extra virgin olive oil, lean proteins and fish. Large studies have con...

  • Maintaining muscle mass as we age

    Dr. Emily Kane, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2023

    Like keeping your bones strong, maintaining or even building muscle as we age requires daily movement and good nutrition. Staying strong as we age will not only be useful for hauling groceries, keeping our home clean, enjoying recreational activities, but also serve to elevate our mood. When it comes to muscle mass, the old adage "use it or lose it" definitely applies. Establish a routine Lifting weights is a proven method for building and maintaining both muscle mass and bone density as we age....

  • Medicare coverage for health-related transportation

    Sean McPhilamy, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Aug 1, 2023

    Ambulances are a critical resource in transporting patients to and from medical facilities, like hospitals. Ambulances are medically equipped and staffed by professionals like paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). Emergency transportation Medicare Part B covers emergency ambulance services. Medicare considers an emergency to be any situation when your health is in serious danger, and you cannot be transported safely in another way. There are certain requirements you must meet for...

  • Review and, if needed, renew your vaccinations

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Aug 1, 2023

    As we observe Immunization Awareness Month this August, we want to underscore the importance of vaccines and acquaint you with the wealth of resources that our state offers to keep your immunizations current. Vaccines are an essential part of aging healthily and confidently. Especially those age 50 and older need regular immunizations to protect against severe and potentially lethal diseases. Our immune systems tend to weaken with age, making us more susceptible. Don’t let disease slow you down; stay on track with routine immunizations. Stay u...

  • Fall brings the return of free diabetes screenings

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Aug 1, 2023

    The Alaska Dept. of Health and Alaska Health Fair, Inc. are thrilled to announce the continuation of a vital screening program this fall through Alaska Health Fair, Inc. health fairs - free Hemoglobin A1C and Estimated Average Glucose tests. Our aim is to empower Alaskans with the information they need to lead healthier lives, by identifying early risks for diabetes and prediabetes. Are you at risk? Take our short self-assessment survey at to find out. If your survey result indicates a risk, and you’re not presently d...

  • Finding steady answers to trembling uncertainties

    Karen Casanovas, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2023

    Q: Lately, I’ve been experiencing hand tremors and it’s been quite puzzling for me. Would you have any insights? A: Hand tremors can be a concerning and disruptive condition, causing uncontrollable shaking or trembling in one or both hands. While a slight tremor is normal, an excessive and persistent tremor can significantly impact activities of daily living. Let’s explore a few causes, treatment, and management of hand tremors, for you and other individuals seeking relief from this condi...

  • Prostate cancer screening is lacking for Alaska Native men

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Aug 1, 2023

    Alaskan Native men warned about lack of screening for prostate cancer Men in Alaska age 50 or older may want to discuss prostate cancer screening with their healthcare provider. A new study from Wake Forest University School of Medicine is suggesting that American Indian and Alaska Native men are less likely to be screened for prostate cancer compared to other racial/ethnic groups and it is coming with a high price tag. The study appears in the online journal called Cancer Causes & Control, and...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2023

    Family Caregiver Support Programs offer free support meetings to allow you to share your experiences as a caregiver, or support someone who is a caregiver. If you are helping a family member or friend by being a caregiver, learn what kind of help is available. There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend. Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska (ARA) organizes caregiver support meetings around the state, including Anchorage, Eagle River, Fairbanks, Homer, Juneau/Southeast, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Mat-Su Valley, Seward, Sitka, S...

  • Car-shopping considerations for caregivers

    Kimberly Blaker|Aug 1, 2023

    When you care for someone with physical or mental challenges because of age or disability, you might find regular transportation is more complicated. A traditional car setup may be difficult or even dangerous for those with limited mobility or safety concerns. Yet, the ability to get out and go places is necessary, not just for appointments or to run errands, but also to retain some freedom and engagement with the world. Choosing a vehicle If you're choosing a new car, it may require additional...

  • Use these tips for safety from online scammers

    Christian M. Hartley, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2023

    Today, it seems like we get more emails and phone calls from scammers than we do from our actual family and friends. These contacts pose a very real threat to people of all ages but particularly the seniors who can least afford to lose what they have been able to save. I hope to provide some sage guidance to help you safeguard yourself from online scams. All it takes is one mistake for half of a second and you can lose all of your personal data, your finances, or your social media account. Stay...

  • Farmer's Market checks buy fresh produce

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2023

    Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program check booklets are available at local senior centers and other agencies. Each booklet includes $35 worth of checks that can be used to buy fresh Alaska-grown fruits, vegetables, fresh-cut herbs and honey at participating farmers’ markets, authorized farms, and roadside stands within Alaska. Applicants must be at least 60 years old and meet low-income eligibility guidelines. Links to program information and a downloadable application are at Or call your local senior center or mea...

  • Camping with Elder Mentor Anna Mae Andrew

    RurAL CAP Elder Mentor Team|Aug 1, 2023

    Hi, my name is Anna Mae Andrew and I am 76 years old. My maiden name is Anna Mae Walcott. I have lived in New Stuyahok for more than 50 years-I moved here in 1968. I grew up in Ekook, where it is beautiful all year long. I got married in New Stuyahok to a local named Moxie S. Andrew. My hobbies include sewing, knitting and crocheting cultural things, and also artwork. I love to travel on a boat to my fish camp and camp outdoors up the river, and I love subsistence fishing. Splitting fish during...

  • Matrimonies, memories and celebrations

    Maraley McMichael, Senior Voice Correspondent|Aug 1, 2023

    My son, Patrick, proposed to his girlfriend of three years, Brandi, on March 30, and of course she said yes. It was a shocking surprise to all involved because of his insistence that he would never marry again after the devastating end of his first marriage in 2011. But, Brandi made him happy and he realized that he would be foolish not to "put a ring on it." Brandi is a very loveable, family oriented woman. During the phone call telling of their engagement, she asked me if I had anything from...

  • Teleconference will focus on senior services grants

    Jon Haghayeghi, Alaska Commission on Aging|Aug 1, 2023

    The Alaska Commission on Aging (ACoA) is hosting a teleconference focusing on Nutrition, Transportation and Support Services (NTS) grants. Subject experts Ellen Hackenmuller and Kristin Cox of Senior and Disabilities Services will explain the mechanics of NTS grants in Alaska. Grant recipients have been invited to participate in regional focus groups alongside our experts to assist the commission in understanding the growing needs of the state. The efforts made during this teleconference will assist ACoA commissioners in gathering information...

  • Senior Voice recognized in national awards contest

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2023

    Older Persons Action Group, Inc., earned honors for its monthly, statewide publication Senior Voice in the 32nd annual National Mature Media Awards Program. The program, presented by the Mature Market Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for the senior market, recognizes the nation’s finest marketing, communications, educational materials and programs designed and produced for older adults. OPAG and Senior Voice won three awards: Merit Award in the Best Newspaper/Newsletter category for the April 2022 edition; Merit Award in the Best N...

  • Alcatraz inmate No. 594 had an Alaska connection

    Laurel Downing Bill, Senior Voice Correspondent|Aug 1, 2023

    Before he became well-known around the country, one of America's most famous prison inmates dug gold nuggets out of a mine in Juneau during 1908. But justice proved swift and sure after he killed a man on Jan. 18, 1909. A coroner's jury convened the evening of the murder, and after hearing testimony from the various parties, returned its verdict that Charles F. Damer met his death at the hands of the rival suitor for the affections of a woman named Kitty O'Brien. The jury included O'Brien as an...

  • Gary Puckett's powerful voice still delighting fans

    Nick Thomas, Tinseltown Talks|Aug 1, 2023

    Currently traveling the U.S. on the 2023 "Happy Together Tour" with classic pop acts such as The Turtles, The Cowsills, and Little Anthony (see ), Gary Puckett never tires of performing the songs made famous with his Union Gap bandmates. The hugely popular five-man pop-rock group, remembered for their string of late 60s hits including "Woman, Woman," "Lady Willpower," and "This Girl is a Woman Now," now features all new members but retains one of the most distinctive mu...

  • Social Security and people on the autism spectrum

    Social Security Administration|Aug 1, 2023

    Social Security is committed to reducing barriers and ensuring people who are eligible for our benefits receive them. We provide income security for the diverse populations we serve. This includes people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. Many parents and caretakers of children with disabilities lose work hours and income because of their children’s care needs. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides monthly financial support to low-income families with children who have developmental and behavioral disabilities. T...

  • Retirement planning tips for single women

    Jim Miller, Savvy Senior|Aug 1, 2023

    Dear Savvy Senior: What retirement planning tips can you recommend to single women? I’m a divorced 58-year-old woman with a teenaged son and have very little saved for retirement. — Financially Vulnerable Dear Vulnerable: It’s an unfortunate reality, but many single women – whether they’re divorced, widowed or never married – face much greater financial challenges in retirement than men. The reasons behind this are women tend to earn less money, about 82 cents for every dollar that men make, on average, and they have shorter working car...

  • Video assistance with Social Security questions

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2023

    The Social Security Administration partners with locations throughout Alaska to offer a secure video service option. Video service is a convenient and no-cost way for people to talk directly to a Social Security employee through a secure computer link that includes two-way video and sound. The video service locations are available at: In Nome, Norton Sound Health Corporation, located at 1000 Greg Kruschek Ave. Video service is available for walk-ins on a first come, first served basis, on the second and fourth Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to noon. Kenai...

  • New reporting guidelines and your LLC

    Kenneth Kirk, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2023

    Two months ago in this column, I wrote about the new Corporate Transparency Act. Don’t worry, you don’t need to dig that issue out from the bottom of the birdcage, I’ll summarize it here. Starting next year, nearly every Limited Liability Company (LLC for short) and corporation, other than the really big ones, will have to periodically file reports with the federal government, showing among other things the ownership of the entity. They exempted the big companies, but not the small ones. If yo...

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