Established in 1968, OPAG is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to improving services, developing programs, educating, promoting and implementing changes to help Alaska seniors live healthy, productive lives.
Current programs:
- publish the monthly Senior Voice newspaper
- publish and distribute the Directory for Older Alaskans senior resource directory
- provide information and referral services for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Health Care Act and other senior issues
- organize monthly Providers' Breakfast networking event for Anchorage and Mat-Su area senior care providers
Membership is by way of an annual subscription to Senior Voice: $30 in state and $35 out of state.
OPAG mission statement:
To work statewide to improve the quality of life for all Alaskans through education, advocacy and collaboration.
OPAG vision statement:
Promote choice and well-being for seniors through legacy and leadership.
OPAG primary support staff:
Executive Director and Senior Voice Editor: David Washburn
2024-2025 OPAG Board Members:
President: Dylan Webb
Vice President: Gail Opalinski
Treasurer: Carol Allen
Secretary: Amanda Biggs
Yvonne M. Chase
Joan Haig
Eileen Hosey
Yvette Tousignant
Sharon White-Wheeler (Emeritus)
Leonard T. Kelley (Emeritus)