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  • Family caregiver tip of the month

    Diane Halverson, Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program|May 1, 2013

    One of the best things that you can do for yourself and also for your loved one is to establish a routine or rhythm for the day. Our lives feel more comfortable when there is a rhythm, when one thing leads to another in a familiar way. Don’t let this make you feel that you are “in a rut.” Remember, if you are caring for a person with cognitive impairment, a comfortable and steady routine is a great source of security. If your loved one feels secure it just makes your job that much easier. When your loved one feels secure in a comfortable routi...

  • Former Alaskan writes book about being an Alzheimer's caregiver

    Theda Pittman, For Senior Voice|Apr 1, 2013

    A long-time Alaskan whose life was deeply affected by his mother’s Alzheimer’s disease has written a book to help other caregivers who might benefit from his experience. Bob Miller published late last year his memoir, “My Mom Inez: Our Alzheimer’s Journey,” which is the story of a son’s determination to protect and care for his mother as he struggles with the signs of her losing her mind to Alzheimer’s. “This book grew out of my effort to understand, accept and effectively deal with what was going on in my mother’s life, and how it affected a...

  • Wound center, heating assistance and other updates

    Rita Hatch, Senior Voice Correspondent|Apr 1, 2013

    Healing wounds in Anchorage I would like to tell you about a wonderful service I discovered in Anchorage. It is called the Wound Center and is run by registered nurses, who work under a physician’s orders. The center provides care services for a variety of wounds such as those caused by diabetes and related complications; leg wounds caused by impaired circulation; non-healing surgical wounds; burns and frostbite and wounds caused by infection or pressure and mobility deficits. Staff assist with...

  • Healthy habits can reduce risk of infection

    Stephanie Jaeger MD, For Senior Voice|Apr 1, 2013

    As people age their ability to fight bacteria decreases and they are more prone to infections of the skin (ulcers) and soft tissue (cellulitis). Most ulcers and cellulitis occur on the feet and legs. The main reasons seniors develop such problems include decreased sensation caused by nerve damage, inadequate blood flow to the lower extremities through clogged arteries, and impaired return of blood from these areas caused by dilated veins. Such veins often cause the legs and feet to swell. Swelling, or edema, impairs the body’s ability to d...

  • Magnetic treatment effective for GERD

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Apr 1, 2013

    New magnetic approach to treating heartburn It may be possible to replace your daily stomach medicine with a new magnetic device. It is called the LINX system and is composed of a series of titanium beads, each with a magnetic core. The beads are connected to form a ring shape and then implanted at the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a circular band of muscle that closes the last few centimeters of the esophagus. The LES prevents the backward flow of stomach contents. This new medical device...

  • Intimidation tactics trample residents' rights

    Diana Weber, For Senior Voice|Apr 1, 2013

    This month’s column is about retaliation, specifically homes that retaliate against residents who complain or who offend them in some way. Retaliation against a resident can be overt, but often it is not. Staff can delay serving a meal until it is cold, or put residents into an uncomfortably cool shower, or take 45 minutes to answer calls for assistance. It’s an abuse of power, a reminder to residents that they aren’t in charge of their lives anymore. Don’t get me wrong. There are good homes,...

  • What you know about benefits can be critical

    Rita Hatch, Senior Voice Correspondent|Jan 1, 2013

    Changing drug plans allowed only in some situations I hope that everyone who is on the Medicare Part D drug program has gotten into the best plan they could find because they will not be able to change into another plan until next October, unless they are also either on Medicaid or an Extra Help Program from Social Security. When the new low-income guidelines are published in February (or March) you may find that you might become eligible and then you can apply for the Extra Help program....