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  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Nov 1, 2023

    If you are helping a family member or friend by being a caregiver, learn what kind of help is available. Family Caregiver Support Programs offer free support meetings to allow you to share your experiences as a caregiver, or support someone who is a caregiver. There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend. Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska (ARA) organizes caregiver support meetings around the state, including Anchorage, Eagle River, Fairbanks, Homer, Juneau/Southeast, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Mat-Su Valley, Seward, Sitka, S...

  • Learn more about supplements and how to use them

    Dr. Emily Kane, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2023

    Supplements are different than over-the-counter medicines because medicine is given to change the physiologic workings of the body-suppress cough, decrease mucus, dampen inflammation-whereas supplements are typically given to enhance the normal functioning of the body, or to promote the optimal expression of body and mind. Here are the four basic types of supplements, with information on how to take them. Food-like supplements, including vitamins, minerals and botanicals In general, it's best...

  • An excellent resource for understanding your grief

    Carol Delvalle, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2023

    Have you ever lost someone you love, or do you anticipate the death of someone you care about? Are you, yourself, facing the end of your life? I believe this is just about everyone reading this newspaper! Having been through the loss of two of my brothers, my husband, my friend, my mother, my step-dad, and my father, I found that the book “Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart (2nd Edition),” to be a wonderful resource. The author, Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D., writes with clarity and emp...

  • Schedule your health fair visit for this month

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Oct 1, 2023

    October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a global campaign to increase awareness about this prevalent disease. Breast cancer affects millions of women worldwide. Early detection, often through screening, increases the chances of successful treatment and can save lives. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. It can affect both men and women, but it’s far more common in women. Regular self-examinations and routine screenings can help in the early detection of breast cancer. Mammography remains one of the m...

  • Drug discount cards; new weight loss med; using augmented reality to improve knee replacements

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Oct 1, 2023

    Discount cards with Amazon and GoodRx versus out of pocket payments A nationally representative study is suggesting that at least one out of five prescriptions for commonly prescribed generic medications are cheaper through Amazon Prime or GoodRx Gold discount cards compared to actual out-of-pocket payments made by patients. The authors also highlight the disproportionately higher frequency of out-of-pocket payments exceeding discount card pricing for various vulnerable subgroups like the...

  • Low vision support in Anchorage, Mat-Su

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2023

    The Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired organizes monthly “Living Well With Vision Loss” educational and support meetings for people with low vision and their caregivers in Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley. In Anchorage, meetings are at the center’s office, 3905 Taft Drive, every second and third Wednesday (Oct. 11 and 18) at 1 p.m. Call Pete McCall for information, 907-771-4306. The Mat-Su sessions take place at Wasilla Senior Center, Oct. 17, 12:30 p.m., and Palmer Senior Center, Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. Mid-Valley Senior Center in Ho...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2023

    Family Caregiver Support Programs offer free support meetings to allow you to share your experiences as a caregiver, or support someone who is a caregiver. If you are helping a family member or friend by being a caregiver, learn what kind of help is available. There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend. Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska (ARA) organizes caregiver support meetings around the state, including Anchorage, Eagle River, Fairbanks, Homer, Juneau/Southeast, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Mat-Su Valley, Seward, Sitka, S...

  • Robotic glove custom made for stroke survivors

    John C. Schieszer|Sep 1, 2023

    A first-of-its-kind robotic glove currently is lending a hand and providing hope to piano players who have suffered a disabling stroke. After suffering a stroke, everyday tasks can be extremely challenging due to decreased coordination and strength in one or both upper arms. These problems have spurred the development of robotic devices and now Florida investigators have come up with a new robotic hand that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve hand dexterity. The developers claim this...

  • New coordinator at Alaska Center for the Blind

    Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired|Sep 1, 2023

    My name is Pete McCall and I’m excited to introduce myself as the new Older Blind Coordinator at the Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. I was born and raised in southwest Louisiana and worked over 20 years as an administrator and teacher in the New Orleans catholic school system. Six years ago, I came to Alaska to teach in one of Alaska’s villages, Kotlik. I met my wife in Anchorage and have been in Alaska ever since and now call it my home. It is my goal to help build a close-knit, vibrant blind and low vision community at the...

  • Medicare counseling available by phone

    Lee Coray-Ludden, For Senior Voice|Sep 1, 2023

    Hi, my name is, Lee Coray-Ludden, I am a Certified Medicare Counselor serving Southeast Alaska and the rest of the state as needed through referrals by SHIP (State Health Insurnace Program). I am available Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. My office is in the Soldotna Senior Center. You can contact me directly by calling 907-262-2322. The phone will be answered ‘Soldotna Senior Center’— it’s a small staff, just ask for Lee or ‘the Medicare person’. Thanks and have a good day....

  • Fall health fairs return around the state

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Sep 1, 2023

    September is a bustling month for Alaska Health Fair, with numerous opportunities to participate in health education and affordable blood and health screenings. We invite you to join us at these events across various communities, whether you attend to receive services, volunteer to help serve the public or share a mission by exhibiting. Southcentral Sept. 9 Valdez Valdez Civic Center, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 9 Anchorage St. John Methodist Church, 1801 O’Malley Road, 8 a.m. to noon. Sept. 15-16 Palmer Palmer Depot, 610 S. Valley Way, 2 to 6 p...

  • Prostate cancer and the Alaska Men's Run

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Sep 1, 2023

    September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and Alaska Health Fair, Inc. is dedicated to educating our community and supporting early detection and intervention. Here’s what you need to know. Understanding prostate cancer Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the United States. The cause is not entirely understood, but risk factors may include age, family history, and race. Early symptoms may include difficulty in urination, blood in the urine or semen, and pelvic discomfort. Early detection of prostate cancer g...

  • New guidelines for latest Alzheimer's medications

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Sep 1, 2023

    Olive oil packs powerful punch against dementia Switching your cooking oils to olive oil may have important hidden brain benefits. A new study is suggesting that incorporating olive oil into your diet may help reduce the risk of dying from dementia. As many countries face rising rates of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, the study offers hope that healthy lifestyle factors such as diet can help to prevent or slow the progression of brain deterioration. “Our study reinforces die...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Sep 1, 2023

    Family Caregiver Support Programs offer free support meetings to allow you to share your experiences as a caregiver, or support someone who is a caregiver. If you are helping a family member or friend by being a caregiver, learn what kind of help is available. There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend. Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska (ARA) organizes caregiver support meetings around the state, including Anchorage, Eagle River, Fairbanks, Homer, Juneau/Southeast, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Mat-Su Valley, Seward, Sitka, S...

  • Virtual assistive technology expo Sept. 12 and 14

    Senior Voice Staff|Sep 1, 2023

    Assistive Technology of Alaska (ATLA) will host its second annual virtual expo Sept. 12 and 14, with speakers and presentations on topics related to accessibility such as increasing home safety; Microsoft Office accessibility features; reminders and other memory aid tools and technologies; low-tech technologies and tools for low vision; even a session on assistive technologies for agricultural work. Sessions are conducted online, from 9 a.m. to noon each day, and free for everyone. For schedule information and registration, visit...

  • For health and flavor, bring on the berries

    John C. Schieszer, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2023

    The Mediterranean diet is ranked as one of the most healthful diets on the planet. The name derives from the geographical region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, which includes Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Tunisia, where this diet has been adopted for centuries. It incorporates different types of food that are mostly unprocessed plant food typically found in this area fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes, extra virgin olive oil, lean proteins and fish. Large studies have con...

  • Maintaining muscle mass as we age

    Dr. Emily Kane, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2023

    Like keeping your bones strong, maintaining or even building muscle as we age requires daily movement and good nutrition. Staying strong as we age will not only be useful for hauling groceries, keeping our home clean, enjoying recreational activities, but also serve to elevate our mood. When it comes to muscle mass, the old adage "use it or lose it" definitely applies. Establish a routine Lifting weights is a proven method for building and maintaining both muscle mass and bone density as we age....

  • Review and, if needed, renew your vaccinations

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Aug 1, 2023

    As we observe Immunization Awareness Month this August, we want to underscore the importance of vaccines and acquaint you with the wealth of resources that our state offers to keep your immunizations current. Vaccines are an essential part of aging healthily and confidently. Especially those age 50 and older need regular immunizations to protect against severe and potentially lethal diseases. Our immune systems tend to weaken with age, making us more susceptible. Don’t let disease slow you down; stay on track with routine immunizations. Stay u...

  • Fall brings the return of free diabetes screenings

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Aug 1, 2023

    The Alaska Dept. of Health and Alaska Health Fair, Inc. are thrilled to announce the continuation of a vital screening program this fall through Alaska Health Fair, Inc. health fairs - free Hemoglobin A1C and Estimated Average Glucose tests. Our aim is to empower Alaskans with the information they need to lead healthier lives, by identifying early risks for diabetes and prediabetes. Are you at risk? Take our short self-assessment survey at to find out. If your survey result indicates a risk, and you’re not presently d...

  • Prostate cancer screening is lacking for Alaska Native men

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Aug 1, 2023

    Alaskan Native men warned about lack of screening for prostate cancer Men in Alaska age 50 or older may want to discuss prostate cancer screening with their healthcare provider. A new study from Wake Forest University School of Medicine is suggesting that American Indian and Alaska Native men are less likely to be screened for prostate cancer compared to other racial/ethnic groups and it is coming with a high price tag. The study appears in the online journal called Cancer Causes & Control, and...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2023

    Family Caregiver Support Programs offer free support meetings to allow you to share your experiences as a caregiver, or support someone who is a caregiver. If you are helping a family member or friend by being a caregiver, learn what kind of help is available. There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend. Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska (ARA) organizes caregiver support meetings around the state, including Anchorage, Eagle River, Fairbanks, Homer, Juneau/Southeast, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Mat-Su Valley, Seward, Sitka, S...

  • Car-shopping considerations for caregivers

    Kimberly Blaker|Aug 1, 2023

    When you care for someone with physical or mental challenges because of age or disability, you might find regular transportation is more complicated. A traditional car setup may be difficult or even dangerous for those with limited mobility or safety concerns. Yet, the ability to get out and go places is necessary, not just for appointments or to run errands, but also to retain some freedom and engagement with the world. Choosing a vehicle If you're choosing a new car, it may require additional...

  • Better life quality with a self-care approach

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Jul 1, 2023

    Adopting some self-care techniques may reap huge health benefits. Self-care is defined as the process of establishing behaviors to ensure holistic well-being of oneself. It is about taking the time to really understand your true needs beyond just impulses. We all engage in some form of self-care daily with food choices, exercise, sleep, reading, and so forth. However, self-care also involves a person's spiritual and social well-being. Origins and concepts The concept of self-care has ancient...

  • Our glorious summer sun is also hazardous

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Jul 1, 2023

    As we joyfully bask in the extended daylight hours of the Land of the Midnight Sun this July, let’s not forget that this month is also UV Safety Month. We Alaskans cherish our unique summers but it’s crucial to remember that the risk of harmful UV radiation exposure is real and can increase, especially for those enjoying the outdoors or planning trips to sunnier locales. Exposure to UV radiation, whether from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds, can cause significant health issues. It’s the leading cause of skin cancer, inclu...

  • Pill may reduce need for knee, hip replacements

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Jul 1, 2023

    New pill may help prevent knee and hip replacements A new study is suggesting that a low dose of colchicine may be associated with lower incidences of both total knee replacement and total hip replacement surgeries. The analysis, published in Annals of Internal Medicine, suggests this might be a simple and safe way of lowering the risks for knee and hip replacements. Osteoarthritis is an increasingly common joint disease that can be associated with low-grade inflammation in response to...

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