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It is now possible to find out lots of details about what you are doing while you are sleeping at night. There are wrist sensors, rings and a host of other gadgets that measure how much sleep you are getting on a nightly basis. They are known as Consumer Sleep Technologies (CSTs) and there are dozens of options. These sleep trackers can give a person a better idea of whether they are getting enough quality sleep. Sleep trackers use sensors to detect things such as body movement and heart rate. Some wearable sleep trackers remain on the...
The latest studies show that a person who is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can still become infected with the virus. However, there have been many questions about whether a fully vaccinated adult can transmit the virus. “It would be very rare. The best data we have are from long-term care facilities in a study from Denmark,” said Dr. Morgan Katz, who is an Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. Denmark launched an immunization program against COVID-19 at the end of 20...
It’s that time of year again; the sun is warm, breakup is messy, and the snowbirds are migrating back to Alaska. It’s the time of year where the year-round residents and snowbirds alike are asking themselves, “Is this the year I finally move?” What does moving mean for your Medicare benefits? What is the process? Will your coverage change? Moving out of Alaska Medicare Parts A & B: The most important thing to do when moving is to update your address with the Social Security Administration. This will ensure you don’t miss important updates a...
Spring blood test date offerings continue through May for Southcentral and Southeast programs and mid-June for the Tanana Valley Northern Region Program. We continue to follow our appointment-based model, which works well and our clients are pleased with the service. Our traditional “morning draws” offer the ability to scoot in early and go enjoy a good lunch. Our late afternoon draws provide the chance to eat breakfast and skip lunch. Visit and check for various May “office draw dates” offered “by appointme...
Kay, tell us first about the mission of Alzheimer's Resource of Alaska? ARA's mission is to support Alaskans affected by Alzheimer's disease, related dementias and other disabilities to ensure quality of life. Aging is something that impacts everyone and brings its own challenges; however, Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) are not a part of 'normal' aging and the impact to all effected by ADRD is significant. Our goal at ARA is to provide support to all those impacted by ADRD,...
Wine drinking may help protect against cataracts People who consume alcohol moderately appear less likely to develop cataracts that require surgery. Wine consumption showed the strongest protective effect, suggesting that antioxidants which are abundant in red wine may play a role in cataract prevention. However, people who drank daily or nearly daily had about a 6% higher risk of cataract surgery compared with people who consumed alcohol moderately. The new research was published in...
Caring for someone else can and will involve all the management skills you can muster. Depending on your loved one’s needs, you might be managing a variety of things from medications to bathing, to transportation. The more organized you are, the easier it will be to perform these tasks. Organization will give you a sense of control and help you to provide the best care possible. Here are some tips for managing the day-to-day tasks of caregiving: Write things down. Keep a small notebook where you can jot important information or ideas as they oc...
Smart watch detects COVID infection A new kind of smart watch may be able to tell if you become infected with COVID-19. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine researchers are testing whether a wristwatch can capture real-time data and alert wearers of subtle physiological changes that may indicate they have become infected with COVID-19. The goal of the research is to prevent COVID-19 transmission in healthcare settings by letting wearers know that they may have been infected before clinical signs or symptoms of the virus start, accordin...
Hospice of Anchorage is pleased to announce an exciting expansion of our Resource Center. All resources will be available to the Anchorage community at no cost. This expansion helps fulfill our mission: to help individuals and families prepare for and live well with serious life-limiting illness, dying and grief. We work toward this mission through running the Resource Center for our community, and through our Lifeways Program that provides free nursing, social work, and volunteer support to anyone with a life-limiting illness. Equipment and...
What is home health care? What services are included in home health care? Who is eligible for these services? These are some common questions that people have about their Medicare benefits. Home health care includes a wide range of health and social services delivered in your home to treat illness or injury. Medicare covers skilled nursing services, such as injections and catheter changes. It covers home health aides, such as to help with bathing and dressing, and medical social services, such as counseling. It also covers skilled therapy servi...
April is a busy month for all Alaskans and the wonderful prospect of seeing more friends and family is right around the corner. Alaska Health Fair’s busy office and community draw schedule is updated occasionally, so check our website for the most recent event listings. We continue to follow our appointment model, which works extremely well, and our clients are pleased with the services. All dates are posted on our website, under specific Alaska regions, at Our Anchorage and Fairbanks offices hold blood draws in t...
As the old saying goes, “It’s not a matter of if, but when.” Unfortunately, for older adults and people living with dementia, a hospitalization is more often a matter of when. Do you have an emergency hospital plan in place? Being prepared can make the experience less overwhelming. Being in the hospital is stressful for most but especially for people living with dementia, who may exhibit anxiety, agitation, aggression and resistance to care. Medical tests, procedures and treatments can be overwhelming and frightening. A person with demen...
Boosting veggie intake may benefit the brain What you eat on a daily basis may be very important in terms of preventing dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition that often precedes full-blown dementia. A new study shows that there may be hidden brain benefits from eating more vegetables. Postmenopausal women who ate high levels of plant protein had lower risks of premature death, cardiovascular disease and dementia-related death compared with women who ate less plant proteins,...
Question: My mom received both dosages of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and I recently traveled home to visit her. While there I noticed she was having trouble doing tasks she used to do with ease. Living so far away, how can I support her growing needs, yet be respectful of still wanting her independence? Answer: Seeing a parent getting older can be a new and emotional experience and understanding that our population is generally living longer puts into sharp focus the emerging needs of older...
I got vaccinated at the Alaska Airlines Center, a large sports stadium on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus. I said to Christy, my wife, “Now I know what salmon on a cannery conveyer belt feel like.” OK, not a perfect analogy because the salmon is being disassembled while I was just getting a COVID-19 shot. Nevertheless, the whole process was tightly organized and moved right along at a brisk pace. In fact, it lived up quite well to the (possibly informal) Alaska COVID Taskforce motto, “Shots in arms – fast and fair.” Here’s th...
Many older adults are becoming fully immunized against COVID-19. Being immunized is an important way to keep yourself safe but vaccines do not allow you to drop all other public health precautions to prevent COVID-19. While full immunization should help prevent a person from developing severe illness or being hospitalized, transmitting the virus to others is still a concern. Handwashing and mask-wearing are still required. “This is not only for your own health, but even more for the health of others. I would caution folks not to abandon good hy...
Did you know that Medicare can help cover costs associated with behavioral health care? Behavioral health care includes mental illness and addiction-related issues. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “a mental illness is a condition that affects a person’s thinking, feeling or mood.” Substance use disorders and addiction do not fall under this definition of mental health illness, but they are considered behavioral health conditions. Examples of mental health illnesses include depression and anxiety. Examples of addic...
Alaska Health Fair’s spring schedule is busy providing services to Alaskans. Find current dates at and check back frequently, as the schedule is fluid. We continue to add new dates as they come available and make changes as needed. We are following our approved essential services plan and all COVID-19 preventative measures; and helping Alaskans to stay healthy. We are also looking for volunteers that can provide registration, phlebotomy and supportive services; so let us know if you’re interested. Anchorage and Fai...
Dear Savvy Senior: What can you tell me about balance exercises? I’ve fallen a few times over the past year and have read that balance exercises can help me regain my steadiness, but I’m not exactly sure what to do. — Unsteady at 70 Dear Unsteady: Most people don’t think much about practicing their balance, but they need to. As we age, our balance declines if it isn’t practiced, which can lead to falls that often result in a broken bone. Every year more than one in four people age 65 and older fall, and the risk increases with age. Here’s what...
With senior centers still closed for most activities, the Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold all March peer support meetings on Tuesdays, 1 to 2:30 p.m., at its office at 44539 Sterling Highway, Suite 202 in the Blazy Mall in Soldotna. Social distancing will be respected, masks worn and hand sanitizer provided at the meetings, and virtual attendance via Zoom can be arranged for those who can’t make it in person. Different topics will be discussed at each meeting. Bring your questions and ideas. You may also schedule o...
"Move today and you'll love moving tomorrow." - Ruthy Alon, Feldenkrais Method© Practitioner and movement trainer. We have endless options to move, to go place to place, up and down, side to side, but can you feel the pleasure, the efficiency in your movement? As children we're curious. Reaching for a toy, we roll over for our first time, we crawl to fetch, walk to explore a new place. Yet, as the years go by, many folks find it challenging to get enough exercise. Health benefits of...
Are you caring for someone who is seriously ill? We can help. Hospice of Anchorage understands that being a caregiver is an important job. You shoulder many responsibilities caring for a friend or relative who is seriously ill. You may also have strong feelings arise as you watch your loved one coping with the difficulties of poor health. We are here to help with: Educational articles Caregiving tips Connections to local services Links to national resources A family blog tool A monthly newsletter You don’t have to do this alone. We are happy t...
Newly discovered benefits of tea and coffee Adding more tea and coffee drinking to your daily routine may reap some important hidden health benefits. Stroke and heart attack survivors can reduce multiple causes of death and prevent further cardiovascular events by drinking green tea, according to a new Japanese study. Researchers also found daily coffee consumption benefited heart attack survivors by lowering their risk of death after a heart attack and can prevent heart attacks or strokes in...
Having an autoimmune condition, or a thyroid condition can make you more susceptible to coronavirus complications. Think of autoimmune conditions in the same manner you would other immunosuppressive disorders (cancer, organ transplantation, history of radiation treatment or chemotherapy). As it pertains to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves disease or hypothyroidism, you need to be extra vigilant while you’re out in public because your immunity is compromised. The right dose of thyroid medication, and the right kind are critical because you may...
Every five years since 1980, the U.S. government has released a new version of the “Dietary Guidelines for Americans”. These reports are thorough reviews of up-to-date diet and health research, focused on population-wide health promotion and chronic disease prevention. If one looks at the earliest guidelines through to the present, in some ways they don’t appear terribly different. But, the small and subtle changes in each version are the result of exhaustive consideration of the evidence and expert scientific thought. The earliest versi...