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  • Creative, meaningful activities for someone living with dementia

    Janice Downing, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2020

    What brings enjoyment and happiness to your day? Perhaps your idea of a fulfilling day is making something with your hands, going on an outing, helping others or spending time with friends and family. For our own well-being we need to have a sense of purpose and joy, to feel useful, to have a day of meaningful experiences. These needs don’t change with a dementia diagnosis, but are often challenged when a person experiences difficulty expressing themselves verbally, short-term memory loss, or trouble initiating and completing an activity. As a...

  • Breakthroughs promise faster, better COVID testing

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Oct 1, 2020

    COVID testing using a smartphone Researchers are reporting they may be able to test for COVID-19 in just 30 minutes with the use of a smartphone. As COVID-19 continues to spread, bottlenecks in supplies and laboratory personnel have led to long waiting times for COVID testing results in some areas. In a new study, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign researchers have demonstrated a prototype of a rapid COVID-19 molecular test and a simple-to-use, portable instrument for reading the results...

  • Palliative Care Symposium, Oct. 24

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2020

    Professional and community members interested in advancing palliative care throughout Alaska are invited to register for the 4th Annual Palliative Care Alaska Network (PCAN) Symposium, featuring innovative, influential and engaging speakers from across Alaska. The event takes place Saturday, October 24, 2020, virtually via ZOOM from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is $45. Explore and learn with leading experts in the field -- traditional healers, chaplains, medical teams, behavioral health specialists, community members, ethicists, and wellness...

  • Older adults show resilience during the pandemic

    John Schieszer, For Senior Voice|Sep 1, 2020

    Older adults may be doing better during this pandemic than many people may realize. A new study involving older adults with pre-existing major depressive disorder has found no increase in depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers from five institutions, including UCLA, found that the older adults, who were already enrolled in ongoing studies of treatment-resistant depression, also exhibited resilience to the stress of physical distancing and isolation. “We thought they w...

  • Alaska Health Fair is testing by appointment

    Sharon Phillips, Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Sep 1, 2020

    Alaska Health Fair remains open to provide the most affordable, comprehensive and private blood tests in the state, currently by appointment only. Do you have email or web access? Visit for easy, online appointment scheduling. Pick a preferred date that fits your schedule, under your region’s program. Select the “Make Your Appointment” button (on that date) and then pick a time. Type your name, email and cell phone, answer three quick questions and you will immediately receive an appointment confirmation by email...

  • There is lots to talk about regarding

    Nila Morgan, For Senior Voice|Sep 1, 2020

    Are you restlessly awaiting your Medicare Summary Notice to arrive in your mailbox so you can verify that Medicare paid for a service or product? Are you anticipating the upcoming annual Open Enrollment Period for Part D and want to make sure that your prescription list is current? Have you lost your Medicare card and need to get a new one? Do you want to review what preventive services are available to you? How about getting an “On the Go Report” that summarizes your medical information for you...

  • Don't let your Senior Farmer's Market coupons go to waste

    Senior Voice Staff|Sep 1, 2020

    The Alaska Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides low-income seniors with coupons that can be exchanged for fresh Alaska-grown fruits, vegetables, fresh-cut herbs and honey at farmers’ markets, and authorized farms and roadside stands. Each eligible senior receives six $5 coupons that may be used through October 31. Details, including income guidelines, a list of locations for getting the coupons and a recently-updated list of authorized sales locations is available online at Or call your local sen...

  • Is there an age limit for organ donation?

    Jim Miller, Savvy Senior|Sep 1, 2020

    Dear Savvy Senior: I never thought about becoming an organ donor until my brother died of kidney failure last year. But at age 78, I would like to know if I’m too old to be a donor, or if they would even use my organs if I were to die from COVID-19. What can you tell me? - Potential Donor Dear Potential: There’s no cutoff age for being an organ donor. Anyone, regardless of age or medical history, can sign up. In fact, there are many people well up into their 80s that donate. The decision to use your organs is based on health of the organ, not a...

  • COVID-19: New testing, medications, insights

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Sep 1, 2020

    Developing a multi-drug cocktail against COVID-19 A new study has identified 21 existing drugs that stop the replication of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Scientists analyzed one of the world’s largest collections of known drugs for their ability to block the replication of SARS-CoV-2. They identified 100 molecules with confirmed antiviral activity in laboratory tests. Of these, 21 drugs were determined to be effective at concentrations that could be safely achieved in patients. N...

  • Using oxygen to speed and enhance healing

    Carrie Luger Slayback, Senior Wire|Sep 1, 2020

    Rick emailed me, “I’m sitting here with my leg propped up.” Last month, Rick, 68, climbed Mt. Baldy — California’s 4,000-foot-elevation peak — so his next sentence surprised me. “Broke my femur on a little walk with our dog, Mookie. She crossed in front of me, and BOOM! Now my most exciting moment is going for hyperbaric treatment.” Really? Another friend with a slow-healing radiation wound spent several sessions in the hyperbaric chamber. I’d never heard of hyperbaric treatment for a broken bone, so looked up approved uses of hyperbaric oxy...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Sep 1, 2020

    Editor’s note: This schedule may change, due to coronavirus safety measures. Be sure to confirm with the host agency prior to visiting. With senior centers still closed, the Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold all September peer support meetings on Tuesdays, 1 p.m., at its new office location, 44539 Sterling Highway, Suite 202 in the Blazy Mall in Soldotna. Social distancing will be respected, and masks will be worn at the meetings, and virtual attendance via Zoom can be arranged for those who can’t make it in per...

  • Fall health fairs and testing by appointment

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Aug 1, 2020

    Update: Alaska Health Fair requested the article below be updated with new details that arrived after the August print edition deadline. Online appointment registration now available Do you have email access (to a desktop, laptop, I-pad or cellphone)? Visit for easy, online, appointment scheduling. Pick a preferred date that fits your schedule, under your region’s program. Select the "Make Your Appointment" button (on that date); and then pick a time. Type your name, email and cell phone and answer three quick q...

  • Medicare - who do I call?

    Nila Morgan, For Senior Voice|Aug 1, 2020

    Those who are approaching Medicare eligibility, or have Medicare, frequently have many questions - about how Medicare coverage works, enrollment options and costs, and many others. You may ask yourself: “Who do I call?” for answers. The good news is that there are numerous resources out there to assist Medicare beneficiaries with questions or concerns and there is often more than one correct resource. Listed here are some of the agencies that can supply expert knowledge and assistance reg...

  • Quit smoking! Medicare and other tools can help you kick the habit

    Jim Miller, Savvy Senior|Aug 1, 2020

    Dear Savvy Senior: I understand that COVID-19 hits smokers a lot harder than nonsmokers but quitting at my age is very difficult. Does Medicare offer any coverage that helps beneficiaries quit smoking? - Must Quit Dear Must: It’s true. Smokers and vapers have a higher risk of severe COVID-19 infection as the coronavirus attacks the lungs. That’s why quitting now is more important than ever before. If you are a Medicare beneficiary, you’ll be happy to know that Medicare Part B covers up to eight face-to-face counseling sessions a year to help yo...

  • COVID-19: New insights, monitoring device

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Aug 1, 2020

    New study reveals high infection rates among asymptomatic individuals A study of COVID-19 in the quarantined Italian town of Vò, where most of the population was tested, reveals the importance of asymptomatic cases. Researchers at the University of Padova and at Imperial College London have published an article in the journal Nature suggesting asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic people are an important factor in the transmission of COVID-19. They report that widespread testing, isolating infected pe...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2020

    Editor’s note: This schedule may change, due to coronavirus safety measures. Be sure to confirm with the host agency prior to visiting. With senior centers still closed, the Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold all peer support meetings in August at its new office location, 44539 Sterling Highway, Suite 202 in the Blazy Mall in Soldotna. Social distancing will be respected, and masks will be worn at the office meetings, and virtual attendance via Zoom can be arranged for those who can’t make it in person. Different topics...

  • Free webinar on driving and dementia

    Senior Voice Staff|Aug 1, 2020

    Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska will present a free online presentation focusing on driving and dementia on Saturday, Aug. 8 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and again on Wednesday, Aug. 12 from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Join for discussion about the effects of normal aging on driving as well as the effects of a dementia diagnosis. Driving is a significant source of independence but a task in which we should be aware of the changes we face while aging. The webinars are free, registration required. Visit the event calendar at for online r...

  • Should you attend that party or community event?

    Play Every Day|Jul 1, 2020

    We’ve been hunkered down for months, and people are wanting to get together. Do you go ahead with that birthday party, neighborhood potluck, concert or fun run? And if you do, what can you do to reduce the chances of getting sick or spreading COVID-19 among the guests? “The safest thing is for us to all be in a bubble and to not interact ever together, but that is also not how you live,” said Dr. Anne Zink, Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer. “So what ways are we able to live and be meaningful and mindful, while minimizing the chances of making ot...

  • Two local organizations team up to support cancer patients

    Senior Voice Staff|Jul 1, 2020

    The YMCA of Alaska and Alaska Cancer Partnership have partnered to help care for current or past cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. The CARES program will offer services like grocery shopping, prescription pick-up, lawn work, and package delivery to individuals undergoing treatment for cancer, or who have received treatment within the past five years. The Alaska Cancer Partnership is a group of organizations and individuals working to bring resources and expertise together in an effort to help promote cancer prevention and control...

  • Your mind on mushrooms – a good thing

    Wendell Fowler, Senior Wire|Jul 1, 2020

    Memory fires flickering? Fear not! Mushrooms may be one of the best natural lines of defense for a healthy brain and clear mind. Despite joking about losing our minds, phones, or forgetting why we went into the other room, diminishing mental clarity need not be synonymous with getting long in the tooth. So what can mentally declining elders do when brain power flickers and grows dim? We can blow on the coals of mental health with medicinal mushrooms, the latest trend to hit the health market....

  • Alaska Health Fair expands testing options

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc.|Jul 1, 2020

    Alaska Health Fair is closed for its traditional summer break from July 3 through July 12. The new Fall 2020 health schedule will be published shortly after that timeframe. Check out our website at for the dates being offered in your area of the state. The website will be updated as communities and worksites firm up fall events. You can also find our health newsletters, complete test roster descriptions and other announcements on the same site. In-office and, now, on-the-road appointments We have offered blood draw...

  • New online service for Medicare Part B enrollment

    Nila Morgan, For Senior Voice|Jul 1, 2020

    Having trouble signing up for Medicare Part B, Medical Insurance, in the midst of these trying times? The Social Security Administration (SSA) is the agency that handles the Medicare Part A and Part B enrollment and as you may know, SSA, like so many other agencies affected by the COVID-19 virus pandemic, has not been open to the public for face-to-face assistance. This has been particularly challenging to people who need to sign up for Medicare Part B, but prefer to do business in person...

  • Hospice of Anchorage is adapting to coronavirus conditions

    Amy Tribbett, Hospice of Anchorage|Jul 1, 2020

    Usually, I would start my article off by saying something like, “I hope you are doing well.” It’s not that I don’t hope you are doing well, but these days, hoping you are well doesn’t feel sufficient. There are some of you who are struggling financially due to COVID-19 and the loss of your job. Some of you are lonely and isolated. Some of you are disgusted at the racial injustice our country continues to face. I can speak for the entire staff at Hospice of Anchorage when I say that we are here for you during these times of unrest. Our offic...

  • Free training and support for caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Jul 1, 2020

    Editor’s note: This schedule may change, due to coronavirus safety measures. Be sure to confirm with the host agency prior to visiting. With senior centers still closed, the Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold all peer support meetings in July at its new office location, 44539 Sterling Highway, Suite 202 in the Blazy Mall in Soldotna, and online via Zoom. Social distancing will be respected, and masks will be worn at the office meetings. This month’s discussion topic will be “Caregiver Wellness: How to Combat Isola...

  • Why you don't have to peak in your 30s

    Bonnie Murphy, For Senior Voice|Jul 1, 2020

    We’ve all heard or even been told that getting old is something we have to live with and getting sick, feeble and diseased just comes with the territory. Well, I for one am going to fight it every step of the way and I am not going to settle for aging as an inevitability. Dr. Frank Shallenberger shares my philosophy or, maybe better said, I share his -- he’s more famous than me even though I might be a few years his senior. A pioneer in alternative and anti-aging medicine, Dr. Shallenberger claims that you don’t have to grow old biolo...

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