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In an effort to protect the health and safety of passengers and crew, the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) has announced a revised procedure for coronavirus mitigation, effective immediately. These protocols will be visible in all AMHS facilities and aboard all vessels, and will include: • Reminders to passengers and AMHS employees to practice good hygiene and follow social and physical distancing guidelines. The wearing of face coverings is strongly recommended, as per the Centers for Disease Control guidelines. • Passenger capacity on eac...
The American Red Cross recently launched a Virtual Family Assistance Center (VFAC) at to support families struggling with loss and grief due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. “This is an incredibly difficult time for everyone, but especially for those who have lost a loved one due to COVID-19,” said Annie Caulfield, American Red Cross of Alaska disaster mental health regional lead. “Not only have these families experienced the unexpected passing of a loved one, but they are a...
Applications are now open for the Municipality of Anchorage’s $1 million COVID-19 Rent and Mortgage Assistance Pilot Program, offering rent and mortgage support for individuals economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Municipality is partnering with United Way of Anchorage’s ( ) 2-1-1 to process and distribute the funds. “Many Anchorage families are paying the price for the public health response to COVID. This program bridges this tough time,” said Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz. Anchorage residents a...
I am going to talk about safe grocery shopping during our very own pandemic, but first, a most interesting digression. Recently I was reading "A Journal of the Plague Year" by Daniel Defoe, a semi-fictionalized account of the 1665 Great Plague of London. I read most of it but couldn't finish because, frankly, it was too depressing in light of our current pandemic. However, I was intrigued by the strategies Londoners used to shop for groceries while their neighbors and fellow city residents died...
Alaskans may be good at maintaining distance from each other, but if you’re a caregiver (and even if you’re not), eventually you’ll have to leave the house to get groceries, replenish medications, or gather other supplies. If you usually stock up on incontinence supplies, toilet paper, or other products for personal care via Amazon or some other bulk supplier, be aware that shipping to Alaska may be backlogged. It may be better to shop locally to be sure of supplies on hand. Here are four tips for your personal safety, and the safety of other...
Dear Savvy Senior: Do currently offered vaccines against pneumonia provide seniors any protection against the coronavirus disease? I’ve always been bad about getting vaccinated, but this coronavirus pandemic is causing me to change my thinking. - Pro-Vax Patty Dear Patty: This is a great question. Because the coronavirus (COVID-19) attacks the lungs and respiratory system, many readers have asked whether the pneumonia vaccines, which are administered to millions of patients each year, might protect someone if they contract the coronavirus. But...
During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a prudent idea to discuss the benefits of having a patient advocate and an authorized representative in the event that you are unable to represent yourself. Patient advocate A patient advocate can be a health care professional or a trusted person, perhaps a relative or friend who can look out for your best interests when you are not well. The advocate’s overall mission is to guide a patient through the healthcare system. Their assistance can i...
Alaska Health Fair has canceled all March through May 2020 health fairs, due to state or national mandates. We’ve continued to do our important work for Alaska at our local offices and hope to return to business “as close to usual as possible” in late May or early June. We expect to hold health fairs starting in August, so if you are interested in scheduling a late summer event, please give us a call. Call your local Alaska Health Fair office at 907-278-0234 in Anchorage and 907-374-6853 in Fairbanks to be waitlisted for when we return to ou...
If you have a spouse, sibling, parent, or other loved one in a nursing home, you may be worried about their safety and well-being because of the coronavirus pandemic. AARP has consulted with leading nursing home experts to provide you with some key questions to ask the nursing home: Has anyone in the nursing home tested positive for COVID-19? This includes residents as well as staff or other vendors who may have been in the nursing home. What is the nursing home doing to prevent infections? How are nursing home staff being screened for...
Older adults are at elevated risk for complications from COVID-19 and are dying at higher rates than younger patients. In light of these concerns, researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine and colleagues have just issued guidelines and best practices for healthcare providers and family caregivers who are providing care for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their recommendations are published in the Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine. “Our senior patients need a...
Editor’s note: This schedule may change, due to coronavirus safety measures. Be sure to confirm with the host agency prior to visiting. The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in May. This is Mental Health Month and the meeting discussion topic will be “Well into your Future, Maintaining Mental Health.” May 5, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m. May 12, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m. May 19, Caregiver support meeting at Kenai Senio...
The Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education is offering a new national ECHO program series to address the urgent needs of primary care providers caring for patients with complex diabetes during the time of COVID-19. Part of an 18-month pilot program that allows researchers at Stanford University and the University of Florida to learn more about how to improve care access for underserved adult and pediatric communities living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), the ECHO Team is working with primary care providers, as well as children and adults...
Alaska’s current case count As of April 1 at 3 p.m., Alaska had 10 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number of affected citizens statewide to 143. There are nine individuals hospitalized, no new deaths, with 5,000-plus coronavirus tests administered. Dr. Anne Zink, Alaska’s chief medical officer, also relayed information that test kits are being sent to rural communities, and health aides are in the process of training to enable them to administer tests to residents of villages. The State of Alaska’s COVID-19 page on the Depar...
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a “pandemic” – the worldwide spread of a new disease. That same day Governor Mike Dunleavy issued a declaration of public health disaster emergency in response to the anticipated outbreak of COVID-19 (the disease caused by a particular coronavirus). Two days later President Trump declared a national emergency. Our daily lives are likely to change rather dramatically in the coming months. This is especially true for older persons who are hit harder by COVID...
Providing essential services for individuals affected with developmental disabilities is challenging even in the best of circumstances. As the nation deals with a COVID-19 pandemic, the way direct services are presented to clients is likely to shift, both in scope and availability. The Alaska Training Cooperative (, an online resource for training and educational opportunities within the state, is geared toward providers who serve beneficiaries of the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority. Administered under the University...
The number of diagnosed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has topped 125,000 globally as I write this article. Countries are closing their borders, travel restriction bans into the U.S. are going into effect, and sports leagues have suspended their seasons in an effort to slow the spread of this virus. Some states, such as Alaska have declared a public health emergency status, schools are extending their spring break, some colleges are moving to online classes, and many much anticipated confer...
Alaska Health Fair, Inc. has canceled all April Health Fairs due to the current health crisis, following state and national guidance and mandates. We will assess Alaska’s health condition on an ongoing basis and make announcements in late April related to the holding of any May events. Please check for Alaska Health Fair event updates, newsletters and announcements, plus our COVID-19 status updates. We hope to quickly return to offering office blood draw appointments in both our Anchorage and Fairbanks offices, once s...
Dear Savvy Senior: Do kidney problems run in families? My mother died from kidney failure 10 years ago at age 74 but didn’t know she had a kidney problem until it was too late. - Just Turned 60 Dear 60: Anyone who has a family history of kidney disease, or who has high blood pressure or diabetes is at increased risk and needs to have their kidneys tested. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, around 37 million U.S adults have chronic kidney disease (when the kidneys can’t properly do their job of cleaning toxins and wastes...
We are all learning to navigate these challenging, unprecedented times. While our care looks different these days, Hospice of Anchorage is still able to serve patients and families in our community with compassionate hospice and palliative care. And while that is our organization’s focus, we also know that as a community, we must take care of our children, parents, brothers and sisters. Maintaining a healthy community is everyone’s common objective as we work through the crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please be assured that we...
Southeast Alaska Independent Living (SAIL) will conduct its monthly low vision support group meeting via Zoom teleconference on April 21, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Call Linda Newman at 907-209-7555 for the log-in or dial-in information. Also, the Alaska Center for Blind and Visually Impaired is starting a weekly Wednesday call-in meeting to provide support for Alaskans with low vision or blindness. Contact the center for details at 907-248-7770 in Anchorage, or toll-free statewide at 1-800-770-7517. The National Federation of the Blind is offering...
Editor’s note: This schedule may change, due to coronavirus safety measures. Be sure to confirm with the host agency prior to visiting. The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in April. This month’s presentation and discussion will focus on age-related driving issues, as April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. April 7, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m. April 14, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m. April 21, Caregiver sup...
There are many ways to train our bodies to be strong and no shortage of available advice on how to do so. Seeking this advice can quickly get complex given the wide variety of ways to work out and equipment available for purchase. This fitness professional finds it helpful to break down some key exercise concepts into simple descriptions that can be applied to any form of workout. Around 15 years ago, the fitness industry turned its full attention to the concept of functional training— performing exercises that more closely resemble the way w...
If you plan on celebrating National Garlic Day on April 19, remember the old New York Yiddish saying, "A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." Even a well-known Muslim prophet supposedly once informed his followers: "Whoever has eaten garlic should not approach the mosque." Potent biochemistry Despite its much-maligned odor, garlic is a wonderfully versatile cooking ingredient that has been cultivated for thousands of years. The production of smelly odors is...
Microwaves are one of the 20th century's most useful inventions. In fact, over 90% of American homes have at least one microwave. The basics of using this appliance are widely known, but there are also some important pointers for keeping our foods safe and nutritious when heating with a microwave. Tips for thorough cooking While microwaves heat food and kill bacteria, they don't heat as evenly as a conventional oven. To help your foods cook through, spread them out in a covered dish, adding...
Current COVID-19 statistics from State of Alaska At the time of Thursday’s press briefing, the novel coronavirus had affected 157 Alaskans, with 11 new cases, 15 total hospitalizations, and no new deaths related to the disease. Governor Mike Dunleavy reported that 5,530 tests had been performed statewide, including at a drive-up testing site recently built in Bethel. Additionally, Alaska currently has 73,000 total masks; 26,000 N95-type masks for frontline medical personnel; and 4,700 gowns. The governor also reiterated a call for the public t...