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  • Medicare covers variety of therapy services

    Jim Miller, Savvy Senior|Apr 1, 2017

    Dear Savvy Senior, Can you explain how Medicare covers physical therapy services? I’m a new beneficiary, and would like to get some treatments for my back. Need Help Dear Need, Medicare covers a variety of outpatient therapy services including physical, occupational and speech therapy, if you meet their coverage criteria. Here’s how it works. Medicare coverage To get Medicare (Part B) to help cover your physical therapy, it must be considered medically reasonable and necessary, and will need to be ordered or prescribed by your doctor. You can...

  • It's peak season for spring health fairs

    Senior Voice Staff|Apr 1, 2017

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc. offers free health screenings and education, low cost blood tests and more. These tests can help you learn about your health and detect potential problems early, when treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective. So take time out of your busy week and join AHF when they bring an event to your local area. A complete and comprehensive chemistry/hematology test is available for only $45; with 27 different panels for conditions ranging from diabetes, kidney and liver function, to anemia and tissue health,...

  • Nasal spray for sleep; apps for Alzheimer's

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Apr 1, 2017

    New nasal spray to improve sleep The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is giving the green light to the first treatment for frequent urination at night due to overproduction of urine. The FDA has approved Noctiva (desmopressin acetate) nasal spray for adults who awaken at least two times per night to urinate due to a condition known as nocturnal polyuria (overproduction of urine during the night). “It is important to know that Noctiva is not approved for all causes of night-time u...

  • Free training and support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Apr 1, 2017

    The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in April. This month’s focus is on the Senior Companion program, with coordinator Heather Daniels sharing about volunteers age 55 and older who make a difference by providing assistance and friendship to seniors, helping them remain in their homes. April 4, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m. April 11, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m. April 18, Caregiver support meeting at Kenai Senior Center,1 p...

  • Parish nurses build on caring tradition

    Tara Orley and Sue Wiese, For Senior Voice|Mar 1, 2017

    Dave called to his wife Barb as he was leaving the house, "I'm headed up to church for my exercise class!" Barb was quick to respond, "Don't you mean the gym?" "No, our new parish nurse Mary is leading us in some Tai Chi, she says it will help my balance. I asked her to explain this new medicine for my blood pressure when we are done. I bet she could even help you figure out those Medicare forms you've been so frustrated with." What does a registered nurse do in the setting of a faith...

  • Programs for managing type 2 diabetes

    Octavia Chamber, Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services|Mar 1, 2017

    Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common and costly chronic diseases in the United States. Type 2 diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose (or blood sugar) is abnormally high. Diabetes is often referred to as “a touch of sugar” or “the sugar,” however having diabetes is far from sweet. Diabetes is a serious condition that can have a major impact on overall health and quality of life. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, non-traumatic lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults. Diabetes is also...

  • Full Lives Conference, March 22-23

    Senior Voice Staff|Mar 1, 2017

    The 16th Annual Full Lives Conference for Direct Service Professionals takes place March 22 and 23 at the Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage. The event features national and Alaskan experts presenting on key issues that affect direct service professionals and the people they support, including but not limited to: developmental disabilities, behavioral health/mental illness, chronic alcoholism and other substance abuse, traumatic brain injuries, FASD and Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related dementia. Attendees choose sessions based on their p...

  • Health fairs in full spring swing

    Senior Voice Staff|Mar 1, 2017

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc. offers free health screenings and education, low cost blood tests and more. These tests can help you learn about your health and detect potential problems early, when treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective. So take time out of your busy week and join Alaska Health Fair when they bring an event to your local area. A complete and comprehensive chemistry/hematology test is available for only $45; with 27 different panels for conditions ranging from diabetes, kidney and liver function, to anemia and...

  • Healthier aging with nutrition; e-cigarette update; laser treatments for Alzheimer's

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Mar 1, 2017

    Lasers may help lead to new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease Scientists are now firing up their lasers to try to better combat Alzheimer’s disease and other illnesses involving the memory. A new method uses near infrared light to shed light on memory loss conditions. Researchers at Hiroshima University have developed a new laser activated technique for bridging missing links in memory flow. The Japanese researchers report that laser technology may help open up the mysterious world of neu...

  • Free training and support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Mar 1, 2017

    The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in March. This month’s focus is caregiver training, featuring part two of a training DVD presentation with Teepa Snow. The DVD is titled “It’s All In Your Approach.” Training covers how a person with dementia perceives his/her environment and how to properly adapt one’s own behavior to increase communication and the care partner’s quality of life. March 7, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m. March 14, Caregiver support mee...

  • Herbal medicine, straight from Mother Earth

    Wendell Fowler, Senior Wire|Feb 1, 2017

    “And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.” – Ezekiel 47:12 In an awakening world, there’s a surge of desire – a longing to return to Mother Nature for healing and medicine. Herbal medicine is widely accepted as we grasp its worth for preventing and treating disease, and to create whole hea...

  • One-day course in care coordination basics, Feb. 22 in Anchorage

    Senior Voice Staff|Feb 1, 2017

    The Alaska Training Cooperative is offering a one-day course, “Basic Concepts of Care Coordination,” designed for new care coordinators who are not yet certified. The course will be taught in Anchorage on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at the UAA Center for Human Development, 2702 Gambell Street, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is $35. The one-day course is formatted to be interactive and provide attendees the opportunity to participate in discussions and activities. Topics to be covered include: Ethics, How to Serve Someone with a Disability, Advocacy, and...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Feb 1, 2017

    The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in February. This month’s focus is caregiver training, featuring part one of a training DVD presentation with Teepa Snow. The DVD is titled “It’s All In Your Approach.” Feb. 7, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m. Feb. 14, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m. Feb. 15, Caregiver support meeting at Anchor Point Senior Center, hosted by Paula Koch, 3 p.m. Feb. 21, Caregiver support meeting at Kenai S...

  • February health fairs coming your way

    Senior Voice Staff|Feb 1, 2017

    Alaska Health Fair, Inc., begins the 2017 series of health fairs around the state this month, featuring free health screenings and education, low cost blood tests and more. These tests can help you learn about your health and detect potential problems early, when treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective. So take time out of your busy week and join AHF when they bring an event to your local area. A complete and comprehensive chemistry/hematology test is available for only $45; with 27 different panels for conditions ranging...

  • New efforts having positive medical effects

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Feb 1, 2017

    New treatments and prevention efforts paying off Thanks to a host of factors, cancer death rates are continuing to drop significantly. A steady decline over more than two decades has resulted in a 25 percent drop in the overall cancer death rate in the United States. The drop equates to 2.1 million fewer cancer deaths between 1991 and 2014, according to Cancer Statistics 2017, which is the American Cancer Society’s comprehensive annual report on cancer incidence, mortality and survival. The r...

  • Geriatric health care training available via virtual classroom

    Senior Voice Staff|Jan 1, 2017

    A series of online Geriatric health care trainings will be available via virtual classroom on the internet beginning in January. The series is sponsored by the University of Alaska Anchorage-Alaska Center for Rural Health & Health Workforce-Alaska’s AHEC and The Alaska Training Cooperative. The series is a partnership with the Northwest Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Center and will offer 10 weeks of trainings from January 3 through March 7, 2017. The series is designed to give community-based providers working in the field of aging an o...

  • Use over-the-counter antacids with caution

    Suzy Cohen, Senior Wire|Jan 1, 2017

    Most of you assume that if a medication is sold over the counter it’s safe, but that’s not true. Even over-the-counter drugs are drug muggers of nutrients that you need to prevent blood clots, keep your heart beating rhythmically and your bones strong. Over-the-counter medications are a multi-billion dollar business, especially drugs for stomach discomfort. An estimated 20 million Americans buy over-the-counter drugs to get quick relief from indigestion, esophageal burning, belching, chest (sternum) pain and other symptoms of excessive sto...

  • Free health screenings in North Pole

    Senior Voice Staff|Jan 1, 2017

    Santa’s Senior Center in North Pole will host free screenings for low vision and bone density in January. Low vision The low vision screening will be conducted Jan. 19 at the center by staff from the Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired. In addition to vision testing, there will be information on specialized magnifiers and other devices as well as safety techniques to enhance daily activities. Screenings are available by appointment, beginning at 9 a.m. Call to reserve, 488-4663 or sign up at the center. Bone density Bone d...

  • Indoor walking at Special Olympics in Anchorage

    Senior Voice Staff|Jan 1, 2017

    Special Olympics in Anchorage is opening its Health and Wellness Center indoor track for walking this winter. The walking group, called Unified Walking Club, will be able to walk in a safe, warm environment regardless of the weather outdoors. January through March, the walking hours will be: • Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 2:30 to 6 p.m. • Tuesday, Thursday, 2:30 to 5 p.m. Registration is required but there is no cost to participate. The facility is located at 3200 Mountain View Drive. For more information, call Jan Carolyn Hardy at 301...

  • Some medical updates for the New Year

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Jan 1, 2017

    Making New Year’s resolutions work for you The New Year provides a great opportunity to reflect on our lives, health and wellness. Making a New Year’s resolution can give a person the push they need to make a positive change in their health habits. Dr. Sunil Kripalani, who is with Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, says it is important to set a reasonable goal that you feel confident you can accomplish. “Your goal may be to increase your physical activity, for examp...

  • Nourish your body like the temple it is

    Wendell Fowler, Senior Wire|Jan 1, 2017

    My gravity-affected holy temple gets weaker quicker these days. Like an old steel horseshoe, I’m oxidizing, rusting. Feeding my temple the best fuel that will give my cells the juice needed to sustain, repair and replace my holy temple infrastructure so it can perform for me when I ask it to is vital. Much like an aging family car, we become more affectionately attentive to the quality of oil, additives and rustproofing as parts begin wearing. My wife and I have decided there’s no better time than the “now” to nourish ourselves the best we...

  • Free training, support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Jan 1, 2017

    The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in January. This month’s focus is care coordinator services, with presentations by Annett Brookshire, a certified care coordinator since 2008. She will share her experience of growing from a caregiver into care coordinator. Jan. 3, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, with Annett Brookshire,1 p.m. Jan. 10, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, with Annett Brookshire, 1 p.m. Jan. 17, Caregiver support meeting at K...

  • Juicing: Squeezing nutritional fact from fiction

    Leslie Shallcross, For Senior Voice|Jan 1, 2017

    You may have heard some of the following claims: gets rid of wrinkles, great for weight loss, gives your digestive system a rest, detoxifies your body and cures cancer – these are some of the health claims that proponents of "juicing" make. This popular part of the 60s and 70s health food movement seems to be back, with fresh juices standard fare in chic, health-focused eateries. With all dietary emphasis on eating more fresh vegetables and fruits and the many tantalizing health claims, you m...

  • People to be thankful for this season

    Rita Hatch, Senior Voice Correspondent|Dec 1, 2016

    I hope you’ve all had a great Thanksgiving and will have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year. I have been under the weather, but I have met a wonderful group of friends, who are “dog people”. I had been wondering what I could do for my adorable, sweet Portia. She is an Italian Greyhound, all of 15 pounds and the sweetest, smartest dog (without having had any training) I have ever been around. She loves people, cats and dogs and not necessarily in that order. My newly found frien...

  • Medicare releases new costs for 2017

    Teresa Ambord, Senior Wire|Dec 1, 2016

    Last year prices for Medicare held fairly steady, and of course, there was zero increase in your Social Security check. This year, the cost-of-living raise is tiny, at .03 percent (about $3 if your monthly benefit is $1,000). In fact, Part B premiums rose more than the COLA. Here’s a summary of the figures that have been released so far. Part A premiums (hospital, nursing, hospice, home health) According to, most people get Part A coverage free of cost. However if you buy it, the monthly cost in 2017 will be $413 per month (up from...

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