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  • Medicare in 2014: What you need to know

    Ron Pollack, Families USA|Jan 1, 2014

    It’s the start of a new year, which is a time of review and reflection for many people. Now is also a good time to look at the Medicare changes that will happen this year, and a good time to talk about Medicare as an important source of health coverage for readers who’ll be turning 65. Q. What will 2014 bring for Medicare beneficiaries in terms of changes in out-of-pocket costs? While prices for everything seem to go up every year, the good news for Medicare beneficiaries is that premiums for Medicare Part B will remain the same for 2014, holdi...

  • New research on dementia, nutrition, kidney transplants

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Jan 1, 2014

    Lowering your risk for dementia A good New Year’s resolution may be to simply exercise more and make sure you do not have high blood pressure. Just taking those two simple steps may significantly help lower your risk for developing dementia. It’s rare to hear good news about dementia. But that’s what a New England Journal of Medicine Perspective article is now reporting. The article discusses several recent studies that show dementia rates in older adults are on the decline. It is believed to be...

  • These Olympics will engage your brain

    Senior Voice Staff|Jan 1, 2014

    How much information can the human brain absorb? The answer may be put to the test at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center’s Third Annual Brain Olympics, Jan. 15. The event has proved very popular and gets bigger every year, organizers say. This year’s schedule is chock-full of special speakers giving presentations on a variety of brain-related topics: • “Music as Therapy: How Music Rocks Your Brains,” Laura Debenham, MSW • “Thoughts About the Brain,” Shirley Fraser, MD, neurologist • “Let’s Talk About Memory,” Marilyn McKay, Education Specia...

  • Sleep is even more important than we thought

    Leslie Shallcross, For Senior Voice|Dec 1, 2013

    More than once have my well-intentioned suggestions for maintaining health been dismissed as not worth the effort. Even my wonderful mother, at 89 years, will sometimes say, “I don’t care if I live longer so stop telling me to exercise and eat right.” Other things I’ve heard are “we’ve all got to go some time” and “getting old is just a natural part of life so why resist it.” One of my latest suggestions to mom was that she improve her sleep. Living longer maybe isn’t the goal but living well while you are here certainly is worth some attentio...

  • Subtle symptoms may indicate male menopause

    Tait Trussell, Senior Wire|Dec 1, 2013

    Menopause, or change of life – as women become too old to bear children – can frequently be an agonizing and stressful time. But did you know there is male menopause? It’s one of the “most under-diagnosed” ailments among older men, according to Dr. Charles Cartwright of Urology Associates of Lake County, Florida. Cartwright is part of a group of central Florida urologists who have been trying to find new and better treatments for male menopause. He has diagnosed and treated hundreds of cases in his practice. As men age, their productio...

  • News about Medicare, poverty guidelines and more

    Rita Hatch, Senior Voice Correspondent|Dec 1, 2013

    Time is running short December 7 is the last day you can change your plan for the Medicare drug program Part D, unless you are also on Medicaid or new to Medicare or need financial help. Some good news regarding Medicare costs The good news is that the 2014 Medicare premium, for those whose annual income is under $85,001, will be the same $104.90 and the Part B deductible will be the same $147 as in 2013. More about the insurance ‘Marketplace’ If you are on Medicare, Medicaid, TriCare, Ind...

  • 'Last chance' help with Medicare prescription drug plan enrollment

    Judith Bendersky, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Dec 1, 2013

    If you need to sit down face-to-face with a certified Medicare counselor, there will be a “Last Chance Medicare Prescription Enrollment Clinic” at Providence Hospital in Anchorage, December 2 and 3, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The address is 3200 Providence Drive (Elevator A to HIM training room near the Subway sandwich shop). There also will be a clinic at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center, December 5, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If those times don’t work for you, call the Medicare Information Office at 269-3680 in Anchorage or toll-free from anywh...

  • Aphasia: when stroke robs you of your speech

    Carol Maloney, Senior Wire|Dec 1, 2013

    Most people take for granted the ability to communicate through speech and gesture. From birth, much of our life is dedicated to first acquiring the ability to speak, and then improving it through continual use. The “Matthews Effect” explains how the more you read the better your reading skills become. Repetition is the guiding light to learning to speak, as we learned as infants and has been reinforced throughout our lives. For a stroke victim, at a time when he or she is already disoriented and afraid, the loss or impairment of language is...

  • Good reasons to fill up on coffee and cranberries

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Dec 1, 2013

    Cranberries and chronic infections Go ahead and have an extra helping of cranberries over this holiday season. The latest studies show that cranberries pack a major nutritional punch and may help prevent chronic infections. In addition, researchers are now proposing the use of cranberry derivatives for preventing bacterial colonization in medical devices such as catheters. Cranberries are among one of the healthiest fruits and their history can be traced back to Native Americans who used to eat...

  • Training and support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Dec 1, 2013

    The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following meetings and trainings in December: Dec. 3, Caregiver training at Sterling Senior Center, 1 to 2 p.m., “Living Old: Modern Realities of Aging”. Dec. 10, Peer support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m. Dec. 11, Peer support meeting at Seward Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m Dec. 23, Caregiver training at Kenai Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m. “The Power of Forgiveness.” Dec. 31, Peer support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m. Note: the Homer Support Group w...

  • Someone you know could likely use your help

    Diana Weber, Alaska Long Term Care Ombudsman|Dec 1, 2013

    Imagine your family is far away. Strangers bathe and dress you, but you’ve had a stroke, so it is hard to explain that your roommate is stealing your things. You’re a senior in a long term care home. You need someone to speak for you. You need an ombudsman. The best kind of ombudsman is the one who lives nearby and visits your home often. The ombudsman will get to know you and take the time to listen to your concerns. She or he can step in, with your permission, and work out solutions that mee...

  • Hospice: care with comfort and dignity

    Vanessa Salinas, For Senior Voice|Nov 1, 2013

    “It was hard to see him go, he could hardly speak. I was so glad to have him here at home. One night I watched the kitty jump up on the bed near his head and Dick said very clearly ‘Hi Zackie.’ I knew then Dick knew he was home”. – June Juelson, widow of Richard Juelson, Anchorage. At any age, we must all face the possibility of a serious illness that we or our family and friends will not survive. Hospice helps patients and families focus on living by offering a family-centered team of trained professionals who provide care in the home, hos...

  • Don't let poor food sanitation spoil your holidays

    Leslie Shallcross, For Senior Voice|Nov 1, 2013

    Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, I've had several wake-up calls about safe food handling practices (actually these were calls to my Cooperative Extension Service office where I was not sleeping). Within a period of a couple days, I received calls requesting information about two separate types of food-borne illness or food poisoning. One was a fairly common culprit – salmonella from chicken. The other – a very rare case in Alaska though more common in the Lower 48 – toxop...

  • November health fairs

    Senior Voice Staff|Nov 1, 2013

    Alaska Health Fairs, Inc. winds up its fall series of health fair events this month, featuring free health screenings and education, low cost blood tests and more. These tests can help you learn about your health and detect potential problems early, when treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective. The test results give you and your health care provider important information about your physical condition and vital organ functions. A complete and comprehensive chemistry/hematology test is available for only $45 and panels 27 di...

  • Free training and support for family caregivers

    Senior Voice Staff|Nov 1, 2013

    The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following meetings and trainings in November: Nov. 5, Caregiver training at Sterling Senior Center, 1 to 2 p.m., “Guide to a Restful Sleep”. Nov. 12, Peer support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m. Nov. 14, Caregiver training at Homer Friendship Center, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Topic: Holiday stress Nov. 25, Caregiver training at Kenai Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m. “Sunset Story: Change the Way You Think About Aging.” Nov. 27, Peer support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center,...

  • Free Alzheimer's memory screenings in November

    Alzheimers Resource of Alaska|Nov 1, 2013

    In observance of Alzheimer’s Awareness month, Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska will be offering free, confidential memory screenings at the following locations: Anchorage Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska, 1750 Abbott Rd., November 19, 1 to 5 p.m. Anchorage Senior Center, 1300 E. 19th Ave., November 20, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fairbanks ADRAA Office (by appointment), Nov. 13, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Valdez Connecting Ties Office, 128 Chenega St., November 19, 1 to 4:30 p.m. Palmer ADRAA Office, November 19, 10 a.m. to noon and 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Juneau Junea...

  • Latest research on health and nutrition

    John Schieszer, Medical Minutes|Nov 1, 2013

    Adding more pumpkin to your diet may have beneficial effects This month a new crop of seasonal nutrient-dense fruit and vegetable “superfoods” will be harvested. Superfoods increase our overall wellness and nutrition, and help support a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionists say November is a good time to try new recipes with pumpkins, cranberries and pomegranates. “Superfoods are brimming with nutrients and antioxidants,” said Kari Kooi, who is a registered dietician at Houston Methodist Hospita...

  • Free panel discussion will look at senior substance abuse

    Ray Clements, For Senior Voice|Nov 1, 2013

    “Oh, that’s how it is done!” Whether it is a young child, learning how to read, or an older adult, learning how to use a computer, having a mentor can make it much easier to learn. A teacher or experienced person can show us, for example, what the combination of letters makes for the spelling of a word, or the left click on the mouse will access a computer command. In an academic setting, as it is in much of life, the theory of learning is best reinforced by experimenting and doing. “Putting theory into practice” is the motto of the Human Ser...

  • Insist on your equal opportunity housing rights

    Diana Weber, Alaska Long Term Care Ombudsman|Nov 1, 2013

    If your low income housing complex was developed with federal loans or grants, the owner must comply with federal Civil Rights law, the Fair Housing Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Under the law, it is unlawful to discriminate against a tenant or prospective tenant because of race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, age or disability. In the case of people with disabilities, it is unlawful to refuse to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices or...

  • Lifestyle choices to beat the flu season

    Leslie Shallcross, For Senior Voice|Oct 1, 2013

    Flocks of geese, noisy in their southern-bound departure, an unmistakable scent in the morning air, a light snow covering the mountain tops - fall has definitely arrived. It can be a time of excitement with the rush of back-to-school, new indoor projects and plans for holidays. But for many, especially seniors, fall also brings the concern of facing another cold and flu season. Throughout the world, the colder months are labeled “cold and flu” season. Lower humidity and cooler air temperatures make it easier for cold and influenza viruses to...

  • October health fairs coming to locations near you

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2013

    Alaska Health Fairs, Inc. continues its fall series of health fair events around the state this month, featuring free health screenings and education, low cost blood tests and more. These tests can help you learn about your health and detect potential problems early, when treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective. The test results give you and your health care provider important information about your physical condition and vital organ functions. A complete and comprehensive chemistry/hematology test is available for only...

  • Medicare shopping season is here

    Rita Hatch, Senior Voice Correspondent|Oct 1, 2013

    This month, October, is going to be a busy month for seniors and other Medicare beneficiaries. October 15 through December 7, 2013, is the timeline to check out the Medicare Part D prescription drug program to see how the insurance companies are going to be treating us for the next year. By Sept. 30, you should hear from the company whose plan you are on with information about what changes they are planning in the cost of your monthly premium, deductible and formulary, as these may change from...

  • Medicare Information Office is ready to help

    Judith Bendersky, Alaska Medicare Information Office|Oct 1, 2013

    The Medicare Information Office and its satellite offices around the state will be available for consultation during the annual enrollment period, October 15 through December 7. If your prescription insurance coverage is a Medicare Part D Plan, this is the ideal time to get out your red, white and blue Medicare card and a list of your prescriptions and have a counselor do a plan comparison to advise you of your choices for 2014. We’ll also check on whether you might qualify for the “extra help” program which greatly reduces your out of pocke...

  • Free Alzheimers research forums in November

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2013

    Alzheimer’s Resource Agency of Alaska will offer free educational forums in Anchorage, Juneau and Palmer in November, covering the latest in Alzheimer’s disease research. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Maureen Nash, who will discuss Lewy Body Dementia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options and future research. The free public forums will be held at the following locations and times: Anchorage, Nov. 4 at the Loussac Library, 6 to 8 p.m. Palmer, Nov. 5 at Palmer Community Center, 6 to 8 p.m. Juneau, Nov. 6 at Centennial Hall, 6 to 8 p.m. For...

  • Does being religious make you healthier?

    Tait Trussell, Senior Wire|Oct 1, 2013

    Seniors who attend religious services regularly tend to live longer and enjoy better health. The percentage of Americans who say they go to church is about the same as in 1940, even though you may believe that religion is on the wane in this country. Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of the Gallup Poll, is author of a new book, God is Alive and Well. The book, he says, is grounded in more than one million Gallup interviews conducted over the years. “There is an increasing interest in the subject among researchers and the public,” according to Sus...

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