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  • Ideas for 2023 goals (aka resolutions)

    Maureen Haggblom, Anchorage ADRC|Jan 1, 2023

    Many of us are not fans of New Year’s resolutions, so I prefer to look at it as setting goals for the new year. Some of those goals end up being accomplished – some not, for a variety of reasons that reveal themselves during the new year. Bonus is that sometimes writing down our goals can make a big difference in our outlook on life. Here are a few ideas to get started thinking about what you may want to accomplish in 2023: Make new friends (or stay in better touch with current friends). Plan more activities with others. Maybe in the pro...

  • Winter wellness at Age Smart forum, Dec. 20

    Senior Voice Staff|Dec 1, 2022

    Update: Due to snow conditions, this event has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Dec. 20. “Age Smart – Let’s Talk,” the series of forums sponsored by AARP Alaska, Anchorage Senior Activity Center and Older Persons Action Group, Inc., returns Dec. 13, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. This free event will be in-person at the senior center, with appetizers and refreshments provided. This month’s program features Anchorage Senior Activity Center fitness instructor Brittney Mitchell and friends, presenting a workshop presentation on winter wellness. Doors open with...

  • Strong showing for Alaska's ranked choice voting

    Alaskans for Better Elections|Dec 1, 2022

    Editor’s note: This press statement was received Nov. 23, 2022. Today, Alaska became the first state in the country to elect its state and federal officials using ranked choice voting, an election system that rewards candidates who build deep and broad voter coalitions. Alaskan voters have twice now used the open, non-partisan primary and ranked choice voting general election system they adopted by ballot measure in 2020. A near consensus of general election voters (79%) found the new election system simple to use, and most voters took advan...

  • New findings about assisted living for Alaska seniors

    Lawrence D. Weiss, For Senior Voice|Dec 1, 2022

    One fine day in early November I grabbed Jim McCall, who manages the Senior Office of the Alaska Housing and Finance Corporation (AHFC), for a friendly Zoom chat. His subject: The just-released Anchorage Assisted Living Survey. The following includes Jim’s “big picture” responses to a few of the more important issues, with significance for all of Alaska in addition to Anchorage. Questions and responses have been edited for length and clarity. Weiss: Jim, you work in the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC). What is that? McCall: AHFC...

  • Age Friendly: Sharing ideas at Anchorage listening session

    AARP Alaska|Dec 1, 2022

    On a chilly Tuesday evening, Nov. 1, the beautifully renovated Anchorage Senior Activity Center was abuzz with chatter and activity as residents of Anchorage shared input on Anchorage as an Age-Friendly Community. The Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities (NAFSC), an international initiative, began in 2006 to encourage cities to be ready for rapidly aging populations by helping people thrive in their homes and communities as they age. The recent listening session was the program for the November gathering for Age Smart, a monthly...

  • Do you have a passion for helping seniors?

    Alaska Long Term Care Ombudsman|Dec 1, 2022

    If you love visiting with seniors and want to speak up for them, join the dedicated volunteer advocates of the Alaska Long Term Care Ombudsman program. Volunteer ombudsmen are needed to advocate for seniors living in assisted living homes and skilled nursing facilities. Volunteers are needed statewide, including Anchorage, Bethel, Eagle River, Fairbanks, Galena, Haines, Homer, Juneau, Kenai, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Kotzebue, Nome, North Pole, Palmer, Petersburg, Sitka, Soldotna, Tanana, Valdez, Seward, Wasilla and Wrangell. Training and supervision...

  • Driver safety reminders for winter conditions

    Katey Redmond, For Senior Voice|Dec 1, 2022

    Alaskan winters provide a great opportunity to contemplate our driving as we take our time navigating darkness and snow. The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) observes Older Driver Safety Awareness Week on the first week of December. According to the Centers for Disease Control, older drivers are more likely to be injured in a crash. Fortunately, most injuries can be prevented through simple adjustments you can make to the driver's seat. For Older Driver Safety Awareness Week,...

  • Winter registration for lifelong learner classes

    Senior Voice Staff|Dec 1, 2022

    Anchorage’s Opportunities for Lifelong Education program, OLÉ!, begins its winter term registration Dec. 15. Class descriptions and schedules will be posted to the OLÉ! website around Dec. 5, and classes for the term begin the third week of January, according to OLÉ! staff. Some 35 new classes are expected to be offered. OLÉ! is a non-profit, volunteer-led organization that provides courses aimed to people 50+ years of age – classes for the curious, no tests or grades required. Become a member and you may take as many classes as you like fo...

  • Fun math and money board games to play with grandkids

    Kimberly Blaker|Dec 1, 2022

    "Play is our brain's favorite way of learning." - Diane Ackerman Looking for some fun games as gifts or to play when grandkids come to visit that also serve a purpose? Math is one of kids' least-loved subjects because it's often an unpleasant experience of boring lessons, memorization, and testing that isn't always conducive to learning authentic information and understanding important concepts. But it doesn't have to be that way. The following board games make learning math and money concepts...

  • Alaska secures its largest judgment on elder fraud

    Alaska Dept. of Administration, Office of Public Advocacy|Dec 1, 2022

    Editor’s note: This press statement was received Nov. 28, 2022. On Nov. 13, 2022, the Alaska Office of Elder Fraud and Assistance won a $1.47 million judgment against defendants James Vernon and Carla Sigler, formerly of Yakutat, now living in Bosque County, Texas, for the financial exploitation of Yakutat resident Neva Ogle. The Siglers took $700,000 in funds from Mrs. Ogle over the course of two years. They used $380,000 of the funds to fund a cash purchase of a five-bedroom home with a swimming pool for themselves in Texas and spent the r...

  • Top financial scams targeting seniors today

    Jim Miller, Savvy Senior|Dec 1, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior: What are the most common scams today that target elderly seniors? My 75-year-old mother has been swindled several times over the past year, so I’m being extra cautious. –Paranoid Patty Dear Patty: Great question. While many scams today are universal, there are certain types of fraud that specifically target older adults or affects them disproportionately. And unfortunately, these senior targeted scams are on the rise. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in 2021 there were 92,371 older victims of fraud resu...

  • How could your community be more age-friendly?

    Senior Voice Staff|Nov 1, 2022

    “Age Smart – Let’s Talk,” the series of forums sponsored by AARP Alaska, Anchorage Senior Activity Center and Older Persons Action Group, returns Nov. 1, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. This free event will be in-person at the senior center, with appetizers and refreshments provided. This month’s program is a listening session with AARP Alaska on the Age Friendly Livable Communities initiative. Share your thoughts on what makes Anchorage inclusive for seniors and community members of all ages and abilities. Prior to the forum, there will be a presentati...

  • Is it a scam? Alaska seniors are targeted

    Alaska Div. of Banking and Securities|Nov 1, 2022

    The Division of Banking and Securities’ mission is to protect consumers of financial services and promote safe and sound financial systems. We have seen multiple instances of elder fraud and scams involving different approaches: Purchasing investments – gold and silver; online shopping; business impostors; tech support; government impersonation; romance scams. Most recently, the financial circumstances of some older Alaskans have been negatively impacted by a scam involving precious metal trading. The Division of Banking and Securities adv...

  • Meet the candidates for governor at Age Smart forum

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2022

    “Age Smart – Let’s Talk,” the series of forums sponsored by AARP Alaska, Anchorage Senior Activity Center and Older Persons Action Group, returns Oct. 11, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. This free event will be in-person at the senior center, with appetizers and refreshments provided, and also streamed live via Zoom. This month’s program is a gubernatorial forum, with candidates answering questions, including those from attendees. Prior to the forum, there will be a presentation about ranked choice voting at 5 p.m., followed by a light dinner at 6 p.m....

  • Senior Voice wins awards

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2022

    Senior Voice has been recognized for excellence, winning four awards in the annual contest sponsored by the North American Mature Publishers Association (NAMPA), a nationwide network of publishers focusing on boomer and senior readers. Awards were announced Sept. 12, 2022, at the annual NAMPA conference, held this year in Las Vegas. Entries were independently judged by the University of Missouri School of Journalism in Columbia, Missouri, who gave awards in categories based on the circulation size of the publication. Senior Voice entries...

  • Home modifications for Fairbanks-area veterans

    Senior Voice Staff|Oct 1, 2022

    Fairbanks Senior Center’s “Helping Hands Home Modifications” program is looking for veterans in need of home modifications. Improvements, even small ones, can make a substantial difference in household safety and quality of life: bathroom grab bars removable shower head enhanced lighting handrails for stairs and steps smoke and carbon detector installation If you know a veteran who could benefit from assistance like this, or other projects, contact Shawna Chastain with the Helping Hands program, 907-452-2562 or nscoa.admin@a...

  • Self-employment ideas to take charge of your destiny

    Kimberly Blaker|Oct 1, 2022

    For a variety of reasons, many older Americans won’t retire. According to a May 29, 2019 report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 30.2% of Americans ages 65 to 74 are projected to be in the workforce in 2026. While financial necessity is one big reason many people won’t retire, others are choosing to stay employed for as long as they can. According to Maurie Backman, in “3 Reasons to Work During Retirement,” generating extra income, saving on leisure costs, and warding off depression top the reasons many seniors choose to remain in the wo...

  • Inside info from travel experts at Age Smart forum

    Senior Voice Staff|Sep 1, 2022

    Update: The print edition lists Scott McMurren as one of the panelists, however he had to cancel and Jack Bonney from Visit Anchorage will join. “Age Smart – Let’s Talk,” the series of forums sponsored by AARP Alaska, Anchorage Senior Activity Center and Older Persons Action Group, returns Sept. 13, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. This free event will be in-person at the senior center, with appretizers and refreshments provided, and also streamed via Zoom. This month’s presentation topic is “Travel: Here, Near and Beyond,” with guest speakers Gret...

  • Networking for Anchorage, Mat-Su area providers

    Senior Voice Staff|Sep 1, 2022

    Interested in learning more about businesses and agencies providing senior services in the Anchorage and Mat-Su area? Want to get the word out about your own service? The monthly Service Providers Breakfast, sponsored by Older Persons Action Group, Inc., is an opportunity for all the above. Informal, early and free, the monthly event has been meeting virtually online via Zoom, but is resuming in-person meetings on site for some months. The September meeting is Sept. 14, hosted by Baxter Senior Living. Begins at 8 a.m. Call Older Persons Action...

  • Significant barriers for older Alaskan renters

    John C. Schieszer, For Senior Voice|Sep 1, 2022

    Gayle Slentz has lived in Alaska for more than 30 years. Now, she is moving from Craig, Alaska to Tucson, Arizona, to live with her sister Kris and brother-in-law Ken Howell. Slentz, age 67, cannot manage her home on her own and the rental market in Craig is virtually nonexistent and has been steadily declining over the past 30 years, she said. “Craig is smaller than it used to be. It now lists 1,036 people, a drop from 1,200 just two years ago,” Slentz said. “When I was looking for a rental, there was nothing. The availability isn’t here. I...

  • Helping grandparents raise their grandchildren

    Dimitra Lavrakas, For Senior Voice|Sep 1, 2022

    I'm 73 years old, and after taking care of my five-year-old granddaughter Eliza for four hours, well, I'm ready for a nap. So I have nothing but deep respect and awe for grandparents raising their grandchildren full-time. And so does Volunteers of America, which provides Kinship Care Services for those grandparents statewide. A long history Volunteers of America, a nonprofit organization, was founded in 1896 and provides affordable housing and other assistance services primarily to low-income...

  • Include Medicare in your emergency planning

    Lee Coray-Ludden, For Senior Voice|Sep 1, 2022

    September is National Preparedness Month. It is a reminder to take a few moments and organize those items that will reduce your stress when an emergency happens. For Alaskans, the first thought is often an earthquake and possible tsunami in coastal areas. Other emergencies can be fires or power outages that last for days due to storms. The best place to go is ‘National Preparedness Month’ at Under that heading is a list of topics including “Build A Kit”. It is a detailed listed of things to have ready in case of an emergen...

  • Transitioning houseplants indoors for winter

    Melinda Myers|Sep 1, 2022

    Help your houseplants make a smooth transition from their outdoor summer home back inside for winter. The lower light and humidity indoors along with any insects that hitched a ride indoors make it difficult to keep these plants looking their best. Give them a shower before they move indoors. A gentle blast of water washes dust and dirt off the leaves and dislodges insects that might be feeding on the plants. Gradually prepare the plants for the lower light conditions indoors. Start by placing...

  • Commission on Aging to meet in Anchorage

    Senior Voice Staff|Sep 1, 2022

    The Alaska Commission on Aging will hold a quarterly meeting Oct. 3-6 in the Anchorage area. Items of discussion will include updates on dementia programs, Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, veterans issues, senior housing, Alaska Pioneer Homes and other topics pertaining to Alaska seniors. Public attendance is encouraged. Meeting hours are Monday, Oct. 3, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center. On Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 4 and 5, commissioners will hold listening sessions around Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley....

  • Age-friendly cities and safer roads ahead

    Anchorage Age-Friendly Leadership Team|Sep 1, 2022

    The Anchorage Age-Friendly leadership team will be conducting a pilot ‘Walk Audit’ later this month. What is a Walk Audit and why are we conducting one in Anchorage? A Walk Audit is a structured method to assess an area’s walkability by observing how pedestrians and drivers use a particular street or intersection, recording information about that use and determining if improvements should be made. If changes are needed to make the area more walkable, the next step is sharing the information and making a case to the community and local leade...

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