Sorted by date Results 151 - 175 of 887
Are you concerned about protecting your older relatives and friends from elder abuse? The pandemic highlighted the disproportionate impact of tragedy on underserved communities, including older adults, who face high rates of elder abuse, fraud and nursing homes deaths. It’s important to remember that elder abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or financial status. We are committed to helping and preventing further victimization – especially in underserved communities. Fraud A recent Federal Bureau of Inv...
The VA Caregiver Support Program is hosting a free virtual resource fair on Wednesday, Sept. 7, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This event is open to all caregivers – they do not have to be enrolled in the VA Caregiver Support Program to participate. Presentations will be on various topics from multiple service agencies: Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP); VA Mental Health Panel/Services; VA Neuropsychology Services (Dr. Swan); Alaska Legal Services, with attorney Eva Khadjinova; Advanced Care Planning (VA and State of Alaska forms)...
Alaska has the fastest growing senior population in the nation, which means an increasing number of Alaskans are living with dementia. Our state needs to be prepared to address the needs of aging Alaskans, and the passage of House Bill 308 was a big step in the right direction. HB 308 and its companion, Senate Bill 216, were introduced to create a statewide dementia awareness and healthcare capacity campaign and to direct the Department of Health to educate clinicians, health care professionals, and the public on the early warning signs of Alzh...
Older Persons Action Group, Inc., earned honors for its monthly, statewide publication Senior Voice in the 31st annual National Mature Media Awards Program. The program, presented by the Mature Market Resource Center, a national clearinghouse for the senior market, recognizes the nation's finest marketing, communications, educational materials and programs designed and produced for older adults. OPAG and Senior Voice won five awards: Merit Award in the Photograph category for photographer...
Anchorage, Alaska is officially the 678th community to enroll in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities (NAFSC). An AARP Age-Friendly Community is one where a city’s elected leadership has made a commitment to actively work with residents and local advocates to make their city a safe and fulfilling place to live for people of all ages. As an NAFSC member, Anchorage is now publicly recognized for its commitment to becoming age-friendly and will receive access to resources for identifying and assessing community needs, as well a...
For nearly 90 years, Social Security has provided financial protection to communities throughout the United States, including the Hispanic community. Today, our retirement, disability, and survivors benefits are an important source of income for Hispanics. Our Spanish-language website,, provides information for those whose primary language is Spanish. There, people can learn how to get a Social Security card, plan for retirement, apply for benefits, manage their benefits, and much more. We also provide many publications in...
The Alaska State Troopers will begin using a new statewide alerting platform beginning July 1, 2022, to alert Alaskans to timely information regarding Alaska State Troopers operations in their area, according to a Dept. of Public Safety press statement dated June 21. The new tool will allow Alaskans to subscribe to email and SMS alerts initiated from the Alaska State Troopers. The Alaska State Troopers’ current Nixle-based alerting capabilities will be ended on June 30, 2022, as the new system comes online, according to the press statement. A...
Alaska has the fastest-growing older adult population of any state in the country, and their health and well-being are at risk. As obesity rates among older adults continue to increase nationwide, so does their susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, early mortality, decreased physical functioning, and quality of life. One UAA research team is on a mission to improve the quality of life of older adults through an innovative hope-based education program aimed at fostering positive behaviors that fight obesity at its most c...
Editor’s note: This press statement was received May 19, 2022. The telehealth access Alaskans relied on during the pandemic is on the path to becoming permanent after Rep. Ivy Spohnholz’s House Bill 265 passed the Senate floor by a vote of 17-0. The bill would increase Alaskans’ access to health care by making permanent some of the flexibilities that were crucial to patients and providers during the pandemic. Without HB 265, Alaskans would risk losing expanded telehealth access when the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) expires this July....
High inflation has caused Social Security benefits to lose 40% of their buying power since the year 2000, according to the latest update of an ongoing study by The Senior Citizens League (TSCL), a Washington D.C.-based senior advocacy organization. "That's the deepest loss in buying power since the beginning of this study by The Senior Citizens League in 2010," says Mary Johnson, a Social Security policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League who conducted the research. Based on the most recent...
Through October, AARP Tax Aide volunteers will assist people of all ages in filing their 2021 taxes. Appointments will be available for noon, 1 and 2 p.m. on the third Saturday of each month at the Alaska Literacy Program, 1345 Rudakof Circle, Suite 104. The appointment will include a short interview and the tax preparer will complete the return. You will pick up the return from 3 to 3:30 p.m. If you are filing with a spouse, both of you must be present. Once the return is complete, it will be reviewed with you, signed and electronically...
This year’s Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition program check (formerly coupon) booklets are now available, distributed through local senior centers and other agencies. Each booklet includes $35 worth of checks that can be used to buy fresh produce and other items at local farmer’s markets, authorized roadside stands and other select locations. Applicants must be at least 60 years old and meet low-income eligibility guidelines. Links to program information and a downloadable application are at Or call your local senio...
Interested in learning more about businesses and agencies providing senior services in the Anchorage and Mat-Su area? Want to get the word out about your own service? The monthly Service Providers Breakfast, sponsored by Older Persons Action Group, Inc., is an opportunity for all the above. Informal, early and free, the monthly event currently meets virtually online via Zoom. The June meeting is June 8, hosted by the Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center. Begins at 8 a.m. RSVP by calling Older Persons Action Group, Inc. for more information on...
Low-income Alaskans now qualify for discounted or free internet access, thanks to an expanded federal program announced by the White House May 16. The White House estimates the program will cover 48 million households, or 40 percent of the country. The Affordable Connectivity Program grants up to $30 a month to pay for high-speed internet for households who qualify under certain programs and income levels. Do you qualify for this program? There are two main ways to qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Program: Your household income, which...
The $41.5 million provided by the federal Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program will make fast internet more affordable so rural residents can access telehealth appointments, and provide access for economic growth and remote learning. As is usual with federal spending, Alaska is getting more than other states. The Alaska Federation of Natives will receive $35.1 million to subsidize internet service, provide computer packages, help tribal communities access telehealth and offer digital skills training, according to a press release from the U.S....
The mission of the Alaska Long-Term Care Ombudsman program is to provide resident-centered advocacy designed to protect the rights, health, safety and welfare of Alaskans living in long-term care facilities. In 2021, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program investigated nearly 300 complaints in long term care settings. One of the top five complaints identified in long-term care settings was abuse, neglect and exploitation of residents. The COVID-19 pandemic has been exceptionally challenging to seniors, many who were socially isolated from their lo...
“Age Smart – Let’s Talk,” the series of forums sponsored by AARP Alaska, Older Persons Action Group and the Anchorage Senior Activity Center, returns May 10, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Events are currently held virtually on the internet, using Zoom. This month’s presentation topic is “Everything Has Changed: How do I Make Sure My Vote Counts?” Gail Fenumiai from the Division of Elections will explain the changes to Alaska’s voting system including an overview of the new open primary system, how ranked choice voting works and changes to camp...
From May through October, AARP Tax Aide volunteers will assist people of all ages in filing their 2021 taxes. Appointments will be at available for noon, 1 and 2 p.m. on the third Saturday of each month at the Alaska Literacy Program, 1345 Rudakof Circle, Suite 104. The appointment will include a short interview and the tax preparer will complete the return. You will pick up the return from 3 to 3:30 p.m. If you are filing with a spouse, both of you must be present. Once the return is complete, it will be reviewed with you, signed and...
“Age Smart – Let’s Talk”, the series of forums sponsored by AARP Alaska, Older Persons Action Group and the Anchorage Senior Activity Center, returns April, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Events are currently held virtually on the internet, using Zoom. This month’s presentation is from AARP Alaska, focusing on making Anchorage an “Age Friendly” city. Learn about what seniors are saying they need as they age in the city, and ideas for improvements in ways that will benefit seniors and the community at large. The “Age Smart – Let’s Talk” series is a m...
Ride sharing and van service for older adults in Alaska has taken a terrible beating during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many transportation services in much of the state were cut back or eliminated. Now, as the pandemic is winding down, ride services are returning. Fairbanks Senior Center Executive Director Darlene Supplee, executive director said the pandemic changed the center’s operations and how ride requests were handled. Many older adults were unable to go to and from their medical appointments. “Now, we are moving back to congregate mea...
The approaching spring is bringing changes not only to Alaskan landscapes, but also to the public benefits many elderly and disabled Alaskans receive. Some of these changes have already occurred, creating substantial impact on the benefits’ recipients. Others will take place with the end of the public health emergency, currently anticipated in mid-April. More people are entitled to SNAP (Food Stamps) than those currently receiving the benefit Many elderly and disabled live with their relatives, which, in turn, has a substantial impact on t...
Interested in learning more about businesses and agencies providing senior services in the Anchorage and Mat-Su area? Want to get the word out about your own service? The monthly Service Providers Breakfast, sponsored by Older Persons Action Group, Inc., is an opportunity for all the above. Informal, early and free, the monthly event currently meets virtually online via Zoom. The April meeting is April 13, hosted by AARP Alaska. Begins at 8 a.m. RSVP by calling Older Persons Action Group, Inc. for more information on these events or to be...
Keep track of senior-related bills, budget decisions and other issues by attending the Alaska Commission on Aging Legislative Teleconferences. Available by toll-free call-in, the teleconferences provide a convenient forum for seniors and advocates across Alaska to share information about issues and specific bills of concern, including Medicaid, state budget and funding, senior assistance, retirement, Pioneer Homes and more. Zoom conferences are scheduled every Thursday through the remainder of the session: April 7, 14 and 21. Note, the start...
Update, March 24, 2022: The time for the teleconferences has been changed to afternoons, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Here's is the link for the March 24 legislative teleconference: Keep track of senior-related bills, budget decisions and other issues by attending the Alaska Commission on Aging Legislative Teleconferences. Available by toll-free call-in, the teleconferences provide a convenient forum for seniors and advocates across Alaska to share information about issues and specific...
The Social Security Administration encourages you not to carry your Social Security card with you every day. The best way to “Guard Your Card” is to keep it in a safe place and share it only when required. In fact, in most cases, just knowing the Social Security number should be enough. In 49 states and the District of Columbia, a Social Security card isn’t required to request a Real ID. Only Pennsylvania requires it. Please be careful about sharing your number when asked for it. You should always ask why your number is needed, how it will...