Free training and support for family caregivers

The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following meetings and trainings in November:

Nov. 5, Caregiver training at Sterling Senior Center, 1 to 2 p.m., “Guide to a Restful Sleep”.

Nov. 12, Peer support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m.

Nov. 14, Caregiver training at Homer Friendship Center, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Topic: Holiday stress

Nov. 25, Caregiver training at Kenai Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m. “Sunset Story: Change the Way You Think About Aging.”

Nov. 27, Peer support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 to 3 p.m.

There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend. Training sessions provide 2 hours of Continuing Education Units for people with CNAs. For more information, call (907) 262-1280.


 The Juneau Family Caregiver Support Group meets the second Wednesday of each month (Nov. 13) in the conference room of KTOO’s studio, 360 Egan Drive, noon to 1:30 p.m.

The Ketchikan Family Caregiver Support Group meets the second Friday of each month (Nov. 8), upstairs at the Ketchikan Senior Center at noon.

The Sitka Family Caregiver Support Group meets the third Wednesday of each month (Nov. 20). For more information, call Brave Heart Volunteers, 747-4600.

Other locations

For information on caregiver support group meetings around the state:

Anchorage, 561-3313

Fairbanks, 452-2277

Homer, 235-2295

Juneau, 463-6164 or 463-6198

Ketchikan, 225-8080

Kodiak, 486-6181

Nome, 443-4507

Palmer/Wasilla, 746-3413

Sitka, 747-4600

Family caregiver tip of the month:

The approach of the holiday season can be particularly stressful both for the caregiver and the person being cared for. It is especially important during this time that you have some positive things in your caregiver’s toolbox to help you manage.

It has been said that stress is like ice cream, a little bit is good for you but a lot can kill you. Think of your caregiving day as an ice cream cone that you only have one of to enjoy all day. Break your day into little challenges and turn them into opportunities. Be good to yourself by eating right and getting enough rest.

It has been said that the less you laugh, the less you laugh. Put some humor into your life and smile even when you don’t feel like it. If you can maintain a positive attitude it will spill over to the person you are caring for.

Be sure to attend the caregivers support group meeting in your area and reach out and share with others. You can help others through your experiences and sharing.

Happy Thanksgiving!

– Judy Warren, Kenai Peninsula Family Caregivers Program

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