Our mission is to educate and advocate for seniors

Older Persons Action Group exists to serve all Alaska, with a special emphasis upon the senior community. Our mission is to reach out and advocate regarding senior issues. We do that by providing relevant information to seniors and advocating for their collective benefit through our publication, Senior Voice

This has been a year of retrenchment. OPAG’s executive directory, Gary Wells, and assistant, Maggie Zabinko, have done well in stabilizing the internal working of OPAG. David Washburn, as editor of Senior Voice, assures that relevant information is share with ourmembers.

Your board is working diligently to ensure OPAG carries out its mission informing and advocating for senior Alaskans. OPAG is involved in the following projects and programs:

• Preparing publication of the 2014-2016 Directory for Older Alaskans

• OPAG endowment reorganization and funding

• “The Chocolate Affair” fundraiser is scheduled for May 2, 2014

• Enhancement of membership

• Supporting the “Senior Friendly” program

• Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security counseling

• Publication of Senior Voice

• Maintaining the fiscal stability of OPAG

OPAG remains dedicated to informing and advocating for Alaska’s seniors. The board and the staff look forward to working with you to continue our vital mission. Please consider volunteering, and renewing your membership through your subscription to Senior Voice. If you are not a member, please join. It only costs $20.

Leonard Kelley is the OPAG board president.

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