Alaska Commission on Aging to meet in Juneau

Members of the Alaska Commission on Aging will gather in Juneau, Feb. 9-12, for the quarterly commission meeting and to pay visits to legislators in the state Capitol.

The commission meeting will be held in the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Building (Goldbelt Building), Suite 302 in the Hugh Malone Conference Rm. Hours for the regular meeting sessions are: Feb. 9 from 3 to 5 p.m .; Feb. 10 from 8:20 to 1 p.m., with a lunch break at noon (lunching at the Juneau Senior Center is encouraged). There will be a public comment period from 11:30 a.m. to noon. Those unable to comment in person can call in by dialing 1-800-315-6338 using code 53250#. The meeting will resume from 1:15 to 5 p.m.

Commissioners will visit legislators at the state Capitol on Wednesday, Feb. 11.

The meeting resumes at the Permanent Fund Corporation Bldg. on Feb. 12, from 8:30 to 11 a.m.

Individuals who require special accommodations in order to participate should contact Lesley Thompson at (907) 465-4793.

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