Free training and support for family caregivers

The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in June. This month’s topic is Safety in Your Home’s Surroundings.

June 2, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m.

June 9, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m.

June 11, Caregiver support meeting at Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program in the Blazy Mall, Soldotna, 5 p.m.

June 16, Caregiver support meeting at Kenai Senior Center, 1 p.m.

June 25, Caregiver support meeting at Forget-Me-Not Adult Day Center in Kenai, 6 p.m. An activity will be provided for your loved one.

June 30, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m.

Please join and share your experiences as a caregiver, or support someone who is a caregiver. If you are helping a family member or friend by being a caregiver, learn what kind of help is available. There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend.

For more information, call (907) 262-1280.

The Homer Family Caregiver meetings take place on the second and fourth Thursday of each month (June 11 and 25) at Homer Senior Center, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Call for more information, 235-4555.


The Juneau Family Caregiver Support Group meets the second Wednesday of each month (June 10) in the conference room of KTOO’s studio, 360 Egan Drive, noon to 1:30 p.m.

The Ketchikan Family Caregiver Support Group meets the second Friday of each month (June 12), upstairs at the Ketchikan Senior Center at noon.

The Sitka Family Caregiver Support Group meets the third Wednesday of each month (June 17). For more information, call Brave Heart Volunteers, 747-4600.

Other locations

For information on caregiver support group meetings around the state:

Anchorage, 561-3313

Fairbanks, 452-2277

Homer, 235-4555

Juneau, 463-6164 or 463-6198

Ketchikan, 225-8080

Kodiak, 486-6181

Nome, 443-4507

Palmer/Wasilla, 746-3413

Sitka, 747-4600

Family caregiver tip of the month:

Each caregiving experience is unique with specific challenges in the way that view your circumstance. Look at the following to see how you may be viewing your caregiving role.

All or nothing thinking. Thinking that a single happening or event applies to all circumstances. One bad experience does not apply to all situations. Be mindful of using words like “always” or “never” that thinking it is all or nothing.

Mental filtering. This is focusing on negative aspects of a situation and ignoring anything positive in the same situation. Turn this around by looking for one positive aspect to help yourself and the person you are caring for.

Discounting the Positive. Telling yourself that good things don’t count. Try looking at partial success rather than complete failure. This reality gives acknowledgment that differences can happen.

Magnify or minimize. Blowing things out of proportion or playing down importance. Try to be realistic and build a sense that what you do does matter.

Personalization. Looking at yourself as the sole cause of an event or happening, the belief that only you can be the caregiver. This does not allow you to accept the help you may need.

– Judy Warren, Kenai Peninsula National Family Caregiver Support Program

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