Chore, handyman service planned for Fairbanks area

Village to Village, the ever popular program for seniors throughout the Lower 48, will soon be making its way to Alaska. The planning committee along with North Star Council on Aging are planning to open a similar program in the Fairbanks area by 2016.

“We’re still in the planning process,” says Barbara Lando, head of the planning committee. “We want it to be modeled after the Village to Village programs in the Lower 48, but we’re thinking about renaming it due to the popularity of the use of the word ‘village’ for the actual villages.” As of right now, the committee is still looking for different nonprofits to work with.  

Village to Village was started 15 years ago in Boston, says Lando, and is geared toward independent seniors. Need help with the plumbing? A ride to the grocery store? Help around the house after a demobilizing surgery? The Village to Village program will have your back.

Membership fees are projected to be $500 to $600 annually. Contact the Fairbanks Senior Center at 452-1753 or Barbara Lando at 378-0706.

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