OPAG elects new officers at annual meeting

Older Persons Action Group, Inc. conducted its annual membership meeting Nov. 19 in Anchorage. At the meeting, board members nominated and voted for officers. The newly-elected officers are as follows: Yvonne M. Chase, president; Pam Yeargan, vice president; Mike Dryden, treasurer; Rita Hatch, secretary.

Thank you to Access Alaska, for use of their conference room for the event. Thanks also to OPAG administrative assistant Maggie Zabinko for organizing the event and arranging for the delicious food. Thanks, too, to other board members who provided food and volunteer their time and efforts for the organization.

OPAG is a non-profit organization that advocates for Alaska seniors and their families. Programs include publication of the monthly Senior Voice newspaper and website; the Medicare information and assistance program; publication of the statewide Directory for Older Alaskans; free educational forums; work opportunities for practicum students.

Email questions or comments about OPAG to executive director Jim Bailey at execdiropag@gci.net. Or call 276-1059 in Anchorage or 1-800-478-1059 toll-free statewide.

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