News and Views from Rita
I know the winter sports enthusiasts will not be agreeing with me, but I am glad we have had a short winter and an early spring and (knock wood!) my roof is still intact.
March 23 was the sixth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as the Obama Care Act, or ultimately as “Obama Cares,” and we know he does.
For those in Congress who have tried to eradicate this bill (law) over 62 times, I would again like to inform you of the benefits it has brought to you:
• since the bill has taken effect, over 20 million adults have finally obtained health care insurance and know that they will no longer lose their insurance under their parents’ plan until they turn age 26
• there are no longer “lifetime limits”
• many preventive care services are covered at no cost
• insurance companies have to justify unreasonable rate hikes
• you can not be excluded from insurance for a pre-existing condition, and you can appeal your insurance company’s denial of payment decision.
There are many more benefits that are being added to your health insurance every year, so happy anniversary.
These pharmacy discount cards are legit
I have recently been informed by one of my readers that she received in the mail two invitations, which enabled her to buy her expensive medication and she only had to pay a small co-pay. The cards she received did not cost her anything. I checked her statement out by applying for the cards myself and I am now a holder of a good discount card for medications.
The only problem I can see is that she still had to join a Part D Medicare program, because these cards do not take the place of insurance, which you must have or be in default with Medicare.
I herewith submit the URL for one of the programs, so you can check it out yourself. Go to and sign up for a card. This card is not affiliated with any government program and will not effect any of your benefits, other than to give you up to 75 percent off your prescriptions. Take the card to your local pharmacy each time you fill out your prescription.
If your pharmacy is unwilling or unable to process this discount card please call 1-877-890-8077. This discount card can be used at over 50,000 pharmacies.
The discount card price may be lower than your health insurance co-pay, but it cannot be used to lower your co-pay. However, you can ask your pharmacist to help you find the best possible price. The card can be used for all of your family’s prescriptions. There are no fees or obligations and it’s free to use.
FYI, if you google “pharmacy discount card” you will find several free discount cards.
Rita Hatch is an Older Persons Action Group board member and volunteers for OPAG’s Medicare assistance program. Contact her at 276-1059 in Anchorage or toll-free statewide at 1-800-478-1059. Her email address is Service dogs can help seniors with disabilities