Remember OPAG when filing for your PFD

You may file for your 2017 Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend today. If you choose, you can designate a portion of your PFD to support non-profit organizations in Alaska who are eligible for the Pick.Click.Give. program.

Older Persons Action Group is eligible and will appreciate all Pick.Click.Give. donations, which will help us continue our programs, including publication of Senior Voice and the Directory for Older Alaskans, free Medicare counseling, free educational forums and more.

Visit to file online.

Pick.Click.Give. allows Alaskans to share their Permanent Fund Dividend with causes they care about.

How much can you give through the PFD program? Any where from $25 to the full PFD amount.

What if you don’t file electronically? The only way to give through the PFD charitable contributions program (Pick.Click.Give.) is to file online. If you don’t have a computer, check with your local public library for places in your community that may have a computer you can use. Many senior centers have computers available for members to use.

If you have any questions, call us at 276-1059 in Anchorage; 1-800-478-1059 toll-free, statewide; or email

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