Free training, support for family caregivers

The Kenai Peninsula Family Caregiver Support Program will hold the following peer support meetings in June. This month’s focus is “Improving Emergency Services for Dementia Patients,” with presentations featuring a DVD by Teepa Snow on techniques to reduce stress and resistance during challenging situations. Join for a time of caring and sharing, followed by a walk outside.

June 6, Caregiver support meeting at Sterling Senior Center, 1 p.m.

June 13, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m.

June 20, Caregiver support meeting at Kenai Senior Center,1 p.m.

June 21, Caregiver support meeting at Anchor Point Senior Center, hosted by Paula Koch, 3 p.m.

June 27, Caregiver support meeting at Soldotna Senior Center, 1 p.m.

Support meetings allow you to share your experiences as a caregiver, or support someone who is a caregiver. If you are helping a family member of friend by being a caregiver, learn what kind of help is available. There is no charge for these services and everyone is invited to attend.

For more information, call Sharon or Judy at (907) 262-1280.

The Homer Family Caregiver meetings take place on the second and fourth Thursday of each month (June 8 and 22) at Homer Senior Center, 2 to 3:30 p.m. Hosted by Pam Hooker. Call for more information, 235-4555.


The Senior and Caregiver Resource Center at Southeast Senior Services in Juneau offers a call-in support group for residents of Southeast Alaska. The meeting time is the second Thursday of each month (June 8) at noon. Call for more information, toll free 866-746-6177.

The Ketchikan Family Caregiver Support Group meets the second Friday of each month (June 9), upstairs at the Ketchikan Senior Center at noon.

The Sitka Family Caregiver Support Group meets the third Wednesday of each month (June 21). For more information, call Brave Heart Volunteers, 747-4600.

Other locations

For information on caregiver support group meetings around the state:

Anchorage, 561-3313

Fairbanks, 452-2277

Homer, 235-4555

Juneau, 463-6164 or 463-6198

Ketchikan, 225-8080

Kodiak, 486-6181

Nome, 443-4507

Palmer/Wasilla, 746-3413

Sitka, 747-4600

Family caregiver tip of the month

When someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s it can be devastating. Coping with that person’s loss of abilities requires help to reach the acceptance of the disease and how you continue to care for them. A lot of research is being done, however no cure as yet. Research must continue and hopefully the cause will be discovered.

Thanks to a lot of people’s efforts there is a lot of information on caring for someone with Alzheimer’s and the progression of the disease.

Alzheimer’s costs for care can be extremely expensive and research takes lots of money. Recently I had the occasion to meet with Cindy Harris, who is an Alzheimer’s Ambassador, Alaska, something until now I didn’t know existed. Cindy is an Advocate for Alzheimer’s disease, she has traveled around the state and been to Washington, D.C., to meet with those who can help with research funding and more. She also is a sponsor of an event coming up next month on Saturday June 17 (solstice) from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Soldotna Creek Park. This event is a fundraiser for Alzheimer’s research. It involves a Corn-Hole Tournament with prizes for first through third place, hot dogs and goodies for kids.

For more information contact Cindy at 953-0160. She is looking for folks to join her in Alzheimer’s Advocacy.

– Judy Warren, Kenai Peninsula National Family Caregiver Support Program

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