Learn about plants as food and medicine

Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium is presenting two “Alaskan Plants as Food as Medicine” events in September, one in Kotzebue and one in Kenai. The events promote traditional plant knowledge and ethical harvesting and last year featured a conference in August at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage. That event will not take place this year, with efforts instead focused on supporting rural Alaska communities by holding smaller, regional symposiums, according to the organization’s website, http://www.alaskanplants.com. So far, two of these events are scheduled:

Kotzebue, Sept. 6-8 Niqipiat Nigikkavut , a multi-day symposium. Learn about and provide feedback on Maniilaq Association’s programs promoting traditional foods and medicines; promote and sustain the Iñupiat Ilitqusiat (values) and emphasize the importance of traditional foods and medicines by incorporating them into a healthy lifestyle; learn and discuss the traditional, safe, and responsible gathering of plants and food handling techniques. Information and online registration is at http://www.alaskanplants.com

Kenai, Sept. 16-17 The Dena’ina Plants as Food and Medicine Conference, “Nudnelyahi Qudulyi – That which Grows Medicine,” coordinated with the Kenaitze Indian Tribe. Details will be forthcoming, along with registration information, at http://www.alaskanplants.com.

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