Positive Outcomes for Alaska Native Elders

The National Resource Center for Alaska Native Elders, in partnership with the National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative, will be hosting a workshop to provide training, education, and national/state/tribal resources for the identification and prevention of Elder Abuse among Alaska Natives.

This free two-day training event targets those working directly with Native elders either in urban and/or rural areas, with attendees including Community Health Aides, VPSOs, Ombudsman, Adult Protective Services officers, caregivers, family members and anyone involved in the well-being of Native elders.

The training with be led by Jacqueline S. Gray, PhD, Choctaw and Cherokee (Director, National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative, University of North Dakota), the nation’s leading expert in Indigenous elder abuse and justice. Workshop sessions include: Recognizing Signs of Abuse; Legal & Policy Issues; Elder Disrespect vs Honoring Our Elders; Financial Abuse; Healthcare, Social Services, and Caregiving. Presenters will include Alaskan representatives from Adult Protective Services, Elder Fraud, Medicare, Senior Disabilities Services, Kake Circle Peacemaking, and more.

The training will take place Monday, April 9 and Tuesday, April 10 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Gorsuch Commons on the University of Anchorage Alaska campus. These two days of unique culturally-attuned content will be held two sessions at a time, allowing you to customize which sessions you wish to attend. Breakfast and lunch will be included, and campus parking will be free to workshop attendees.

Please register online at: http://elders.uaa.alaska.edu. Contact information: uaa_nrcmanager@alaska.edu or phone 907-786-6904.

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