Commission on Aging quarterly meeting, Dec. 6

The Alaska Commission on Aging will hold its quarterly meeting on Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This meeting will be held by videoconference and teleconference at the locations below. Public comment, scheduled from 1:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m., can be presented by going to the group videoconference or teleconference sites or by calling 1-800-315-6338, 53250#.

Videoconference Locations

Juneau - Senior and Disabilities Services, 240 Main Street, 6th floor videoconference room (907-465-3372)

Anchorage – Senior and Disabilities Services, 550 West 8th Ave. Room 143 videoconference room (907-269-3666)

Group Teleconference Locations

Anchorage Senior Activities Center, 1300 East 19th Ave. (907-758-7823)

Fairbanks North Star Council on Aging, 1424 Moore Street (907-452-1735)

Ketchikan Pioneer Home, 141 Bryant Street (907-225-4111)

Mat-Su Senior Services, 1132 South Chugach, Palmer (907-745-5454)

Soldotna Senior Center, 197 West Park Ave. (907-262-2322)

Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center, 22424 N. Birchwood Loop (907-688-2674)

Featured speakers and agenda items

Division of Senior and Disabilities Services: Deb Etheridge, Acting Director

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority: Mike Abbott, Chief Executive Officer, and Kelda Barstad, Program Officer

Alaska Psychiatric Institute: Duane Mayes, Chief Executive Officer

Elder Protection and Safety: Teresa Holt, Long-Term Care Ombudsman, and Sandra Jenkins, Adult Protective Services Manager

Senior Housing: Jim McCall, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Senior Housing Office

Ethics Training: Maria Bahr, State Ethics Attorney

Alaska State Plan for Senior Services Updates: ACoA Planning Committee and staff

For more information, please call the Alaska Commission on Aging at 907-465-3250.

The Alaska Commission on Aging is a Governor-appointed board within the Department of Health and Social Services. Our mission is to ensure the dignity and independence of all older Alaskans, and to assist them to lead useful and meaningful lives through planning, outreach, education, and interagency cooperation.

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