Oct. 4 event on elder abuse in Alaska

The Alaska State Association for Guardianship and Advocacy (ASAGA) will present a workshop on how to detect and successfully address elder abuse at a half-day event Oct. 4 in Anchorage.

“Forgotten Victims No More: Elder Abuse in Alaska,” will feature recently retired prosecutor Paul Greenwood, who will draw upon his 22 years of prosecuting serious felony elder abuse crimes to demonstrate how success in the courtroom can only be achieved through a teamwork approach.

Greenwood will provide examples of effective collaborative efforts and the importance of early detection, reporting and investigation. He will discuss red flags of abuse and neglect and also point to common misconceptions that often hinder or prevent appropriate investigations and prosecutions.

The event will be from 8 a.m. to noon at the BP Energy Center, 900 East Benson Blvd. Cost is $25.

Attendance is recommended for assisted living home operators, care coordinators, case managers, attorneys, court visitors and any other “boots on the ground” providers.

For more information and online registration, visit https://bit.ly/2l73i9k.

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