Final fall season health fair events

November closes out the fall health fair season, with events offering free health screenings and health and safety education for all ages. Alaska Health Fair events offer affordable, comprehensive, private blood tests for those 18 years and older (sorry, we can’t do children). Blood tests can help you learn about your overall health and detect potential problems early, when treatment or changes in personal habits can be most effective.

Our most popular test is the Chemistry/Hematology Profile (please fast 10 to 12 hours for this one test), which covers a total of 27 panels, including CBC, CMP and Lipids, which includes cholesterol information – all for only $45.  Other tests include blood typing ABO/RH, $20; A1C, $25; PSA, $25; B12, $35; Ferritin, $35; thyroid, $35; vitamin D, $50; and testosterone, $55.

Remember to arrive well-hydrated, warm (wear a long sleeve jacket), and take any prescribed medications. Private test results will be mailed to the address you designate and should arrive in about two weeks.

November events will be held at these locations and times:  

Nov. 2, Anchorage Hope Community Resources Health Fair, 570 W. 53rd Ave., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Nov. 2, Fairbanks Men’s Wellness Fair at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital (Imaging Center), 1650 Cowles Ave., 8 a.m. to noon. Flu shots available (use your insurance or charge card, check or cash).

Nov. 9, Talkeetna Community Fair at Upper Susitna Senior Center, 16463 E. Helena Dr., 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Nov. 16, Anchorage University Center Mall Fair, 3801 Old Seward Hwy .; 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Call 278-0234 (Anchorage); 374-6853 (Fairbanks) or 723-5100 (Juneau); or visit for more information, announcements, a complete roster of our blood tests, plus articles on health related topics.

If you couldn’t attend a health fair, call our local office and schedule an office draw appointment, held a few times a month at both the Anchorage and Fairbanks offices.

We want to thank the exhibitors, screeners and volunteers that have helped us this year; all of the wonderful attendees, donors and event sponsors; plus, the Senior Voice for providing us the ability to share our seasonal schedule on a monthly basis.

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