You can quit tobacco for good

Chuck and Malinda both started smoking at age 9. After smoking for over two decades, they decided to quit together for their children. Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line was there to help them through their journey. Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line helped them determine what level of nicotine replacement therapy would be best for them to quit, and the patches they requested were free. They were excited about the money they saved by not buying tobacco. Watch their story on YouTube at and

Chuck and Malinda shared just one success story from Alaskans who used Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line. Tobacco use is a leading preventable cause of disease and death in the United States, and smoking has been linked to diseases in nearly all organs of the body. Smoking alone is responsible for about 700 deaths every year in Alaska. You can find more information on tobacco use in Alaska at

Supporting the efforts of those who want to successfully quit using tobacco is one of the main goals of the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line is available 24 hours a day, seven7 days a week to all Alaskans. The Quit Line can be reached by phone, text or web. Support is available to help quit using all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. If you know anyone who would like to quit tobacco use, encourage them to contact Alaska’s Tobacco Quit Line at (800) QUIT-NOW, (800) 784-8669 or

Cheley Grigsby is the State of Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Manager.