Women rack 'em up at Anchorage senior center

Fifteen determined women are learning, to their delight, the fine art of shooting pool, a game traditionally dominated by men.

The pool-shooters gather at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center and take lessons from volunteer program coordinator Sharon Lowe, a self-taught and skilled practitioner at both pool and billiards.

The group began its activities at the pool table two years ago with 17 women, 15 of whom are still active. For a time, they gathered on Thursdays and practiced together from 5 to 7 p.m. And, says their instructor, they now visit the four-table pool room at the center whenever they feel like getting together and can round up a few like-minded friends.

Those in the group learn both pool and billiards, though the tables at the Anchorage Senior Center are designed primarily for pool and have pockets into which the balls drop. Billiards tables are somewhat different.

Once the women got their initial lessons, they began forming small teams that meet whenever convenient for them. Pool is a very enjoyable game that helps concentrate the mind and develop hand-eye coordination.

Any senior women interested in playing pool at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center can contact Sharon at 907-868-3347. Use of the poolroom is free to center members.

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