Prop 7 passage is vital to Anchorage seniors

Thousands of Anchorage area seniors, youngsters and others need help from voters in this spring’s municipal election.

Voting begins after ballots go in the mail on March 17 and ends on April 7 when the polls close. I ask voters in the Municipality of Anchorage to mark their ballots YES, for Proposition 7.

At stake in Proposition 7 is $5,375,000 in much-needed funding for projects at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center, the Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center, Loussac and Mountain View Libraries, and various municipal facilities, including West High School. The two senior center buildings were built by the Municipality of Anchorage with state, municipal and federal funding.

Of that total, $2,750,000 will go toward solving long-standing problems at the Anchorage Senior Activity Center. Most notable among those items is roof repairs. The center building is 37 years old and needs repairs and modifications.

The center serves thousands of Anchorage seniors with health and wellness services, fitness facilities and social connections. Those who come to it enjoy unmatched opportunities to improve their lives.

Funding for the Anchorage Senior Activity Center will renovate our leaking roof (which has been temporary covered by a tarpaulin for seven years) and the building’s leaking windows, as well as upgrade restrooms to standards required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

The Chugiak-Eagle River Senior Center is a residential facility and under Proposition 7 will receive $960,000 to replace equipment essential for its residents’ health, safety and air quality. The funding will also cover repair and replacement of some hazardous flooring that presents a tripping hazard.

The measure includes $1.1 million for Loussac Library and $75,000 for Mountain View Library to be used for building safety rehabilitation and upgrades.

Another $490,000 will pay for rehabilitation and upgrades at various municipal facilities, including West High School’s swimming pool, which needs lighting upgrades.

The items covered by Proposition 7 are essential to the health and safety of many thousands of Anchorage area residents. Please vote to approve Proposition 7. 

Gordon Glaser is board chairman of the Anchorage Senior Activity Center.