Alaska Health Fair is testing by appointment

Online registration now available

Alaska Health Fair remains open to provide the most affordable, comprehensive and private blood tests in the state, currently by appointment only. Do you have email or web access? Visit for easy, online appointment scheduling. Pick a preferred date that fits your schedule, under your region’s program.

Select the “Make Your Appointment” button (on that date) and then pick a time. Type your name, email and cell phone, answer three quick questions and you will immediately receive an appointment confirmation by email. You will also receive email and text reminders in the days and before your appointment.

The appointments are fast and efficient for busy schedules and you’ll have the ability to cancel or change at your fingertips.


Alaska Health Fair’s event schedule is published on our website,

You can find our health blog, test descriptions, pricing, announcements and much more on the site. We are still updating a few fall 2020 off-site events in the system, so please check back frequently if you don’t see what meets your needs.

If interested in bringing this special service to meet the needs of your community or worksite, just give us a call to discuss various options.

Alaska Health Fair has a State of Alaska Essential Services plan. We follow all COVID safety protocols to keep clients and volunteers safe. Our trained professionals follow social distancing measures, along with proper masking and disinfection protocols.

We look forward to seeing you at our office or a local event. Call our offices if you have questions or need help with the system: 907-278-0234 in Anchorage or 907-374-6853 in Fairbanks. 

We hope you have a wonderful fall.

- Andrei, Betty, Jodie and Sharon (Alaska Health Fair staff)

Sharon Phillips is the Alaska Health Fair Tanana Valley/Northern Region Program Director.

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