Learn how assistive technology can help you

Free online “lunch and learns” week of Dec. 7

Have lunch with Assistive Technology of Alaska (ATLA) and learn about assistive technology. Join each day at noon during the week of Dec. 7 for a variety of topics; see the schedule below.

To learn more about ATLA, the webinars and how to register, visit http://www.tinyurl.com/ATLAwinterWebinars.

Dec. 7: Navigating ATLA Programs

Did you know that ATLA manages six programs and partners with other agencies on four additional programs? Learn about each one, what is provided, and how to qualify. Monday, Dec. 7 at noon.


Dec. 8: Assistive technology for everyday independence

From health monitors to alarms and reminders, low-tech to high-tech, there are many options available for individuals who want to maintain or increase their independence at home. Have lunch with ATLA and learn about the solutions and services available for Alaskans. Tuesday, Dec. 8 at noon.


Dec. 9: Assistive technology for Improving mental health and reducing isolation

The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected many people’s mental health and created new barriers for people already experiencing mental illness. While assistive technology is not a magic wand that can make it all go away, it can be a great tool to assist you in improving your mental health and reducing isolation. Wednesday, Dec. 9 at noon.


Dec. 10: iOS 14 accessibility

Like any operating system update, this release contains features that are useful and more efficient for assistive technology users, and some that could be frustrating. If you are wondering if you should update to iOS14 or are just curious and want the lowdown on what has changed, join ATLA to learn more. Thursday, December 10, noon.


Dec. 11: Augmented speech solutions for distance communication

iOS augmented and alternative communication applications and accessories can be used to help individuals of all ages and abilities to stay connected to their loved ones from a distance. Explore how to utilize these solutions. Friday, Dec. 11 at noon.

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