Changing our mindset about Valentine's Day

The last few years have been extra difficult for so many people in Alaska. These years have been hard for human beings all over the world due to the Pandemic. The reality of experiencing, or dread of experiencing, COVID-19 or one of its ensuing strains has been increasing the normal stresses of day-to-day life. Many of our friends and loved ones may also have a serious life-limiting illness. As you read this, you may be dealing with one yourself.

Saint Valentine is known as the patron saint of beekeeping and epilepsy. This saint has had people call on them for assistance during times of plague, protection of loved ones as they travel for adventure, and reviving those who have lost consciousness. Hospice of Anchorage would like to invite you to re-frame Valentine’s Day from it’s focus on romantic love to the wider lens of unconditional positive regard.

Now more than ever we need to treat one another with unconditional positive regard. Let’s think of Valentine’s Day as a day to acknowledge all kinds of human connection. Unconditional positive regard happens when we consider one another with the utmost respect and compassion. We understand that people are not perfect. We get that people need connectivity to thrive in this world, particularly now in the times we are in.

A lesson that has been reinforced from this period of time is that human connection is critically important to ensure optimum health. Reach out to your loved ones to see how they are doing on Valentine’s Day. The community members who do things like ring up your groceries need a friendly smile and genuine ask about their wellbeing. The customer service agent who is working for a company that doesn’t have enough staff needs your patience, even when you have had to wait a half hour on hold. Let’s be open-hearted and generous with unconditional positive regard on Valentine’s Day, 2022. This will prepare us to continue with this community building initiative all year long!

The mission of Hospice of Anchorage is to help individuals and families prepare for and live well with serious, life-limiting illness, dying and grief. We seek to build a caring community of help, hope and comfort. We rely on generous grant funding from places such as the State of Alaska, United Way, First National Bank of Alaska, and the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority as well as people just like you. If you would like to know more about what Hospice of Anchorage has to offer, please visit our website at, and like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Lisa Noland is the executive director for hospice of Anchorage.

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