Alaska Health Fair is looking for volunteers

We continue to offer traditional community and worksite health fairs where we need staff support. 

Volunteers come from all walks of life, age groups, backgrounds and interests.  Volunteer opportunities include:

Office volunteers: client support, phones, mail, evaluations, tallies, supplies, pack/unpack events and more.

Meet and greet: Welcome people at events, share how to do paperwork.

Registration: Calculate/receive cash, card, checks; record on logs.

Blood pressure: Stethoscope/pressure cuffs or auto-cuffs (no experience needed).

Blood draw: Those with good skill sets and experience.

Processing/draw support: No medical background required, an attention to detail is.

Check out: Medical professionals (chat with clients).

Health education: Share health topic handouts and knowledge at exhibit tables.

Health screenings: Height/weight/BMI, bone density, vision, other screenings (trained by staff).

Food service: Prep, serve, cleanup - coffee, tea, snacks, meals (for longer events).

Set up/take down: Unpack, set up, prep events; break down and pack up.

Other categories: Event support generalist, publicity, and more (ask how you can help).

If interested in volunteering please check this link at the Alaska Health Fair website for more details: Be sure to sign up for our newsletter, and you can read past issues.

We thank our clients, volunteers, partners who support us with donations of materials, money and time; having blood drawn with Alaska Health Fair; sponsorships; volunteering at local office or regional events and much more. Our agency would not be here without you.  We look forward to seeing you during our 42nd year serving Alaskans. Offices statewide are closed July 1 through July 10 for summer break. We hope you enjoy our wonderful Alaska summer.

Sharon Phillips is the Alaska Health Fair, Inc. Tanana Valley/Northern Region program director.

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