Valdez writer opens up about love and grief in new book

Valdez, Alaska is a lucky town to be blessed with so many artists. There is something about the mountains that seem to draw them in. Kevin and Kris Reeves are two such artists. Kevin is a poet, writer and painter. Kris created wonderful handcrafted paper cards. As fate would have it, Kris fell ill and her time on earth was cut short. Kevin has been learning to live on and decided to share his experience in a book, "Now and Ever, Dear Kristine".

In December, Kevin was invited to the Valdez Senior Center to do a book reading to celebrate its printing. He gave a sneak peek and people were desperate for more. Kevin shared several sections of his book, giving everyone a chance to know his Kris. There is no denying their love. So much so, that this book makes you wish for a love like what they had.

The first thing I can say about Kevin's book is to be prepared for strong emotions and tears, even if you have not experienced the loss of a loved one. Kevin's poetic writing shines through, painting the scene and the pain. He wrote this in the first year of his grief journey and the rawness of his grief shows. For someone who has not lost a loved one, it allows you to gain insight into the experience and maybe even guide you toward being able to support those who have.

We all grieve differently but there are things in loss that occur across the board and Kevin talks openly about it. It's important to see life and loss through all lenses and this is a perspective that is not shared often. Not many people want to talk about grief and while it's a hard topic, it is something that at some point we want to prepare ourselves for or better understand. Kevin took a big chance, truly divulged himself for his readers, and made the world a little more understandable for us all. 

"Now and Ever, Dear Kristine," is available on Amazon to order and if you happen to come through Valdez you may even see a few for sale around town. I can't recommend this book enough. This is a book that if you allow it, will expand your mind and touch your soul.

Haden Bricker is the activities coordinator and office assistant for Valdez Senior Center, Inc.